Jacksonian timeline second period

  • Andrew Jackson's Birth

    Andrew Jackson's Birth
    Andrew Jackson was born on March 15th, 1767. He was born to Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson. His birth place has been inferred to be one of uncles homes in the WaxHaws region that straddles North Carolina and South Carolina. No one knows his exact birth place.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The battle of New Orleans took place on September 11th, 1812. This battle was the last major battle of the War of 1812. Jackson defeated the British in less than thirty minutes. He stopped their plan to attack New Orleans and became know as a national military hero. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, was signed two weeks before the battle, but the news had not yet crossed the Atlantic.
  • Jackson enlists in the Revolutionary Army

    Jackson enlists in the Revolutionary Army
    Jackson enlisted into the Revolutionary Army on March 1st, 1814. Jackson was only twelve years old when he enlisted into the army. While enlisted he was taken prisoner by British troops.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    The Battle of Horseshoe Bend started on March 27th, 1814. This battle effectively ended the Creek War. During this war, the power of the Upper Creek was broken. Land was also taken from the tribes in Georgia and Alabama and was opened to white settlers.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The election of 1824 marked the final collapse of the Republican- Federalist political framework. Andrew Jackson won the election with a total of ninety-nine votes. John Quincey Adams was the runner up with only eighty-four votes.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    The election of 1828 was Andrew jackson and John Quincy adams.
    John Quincy adams and Andrew jackson had faced each other also in the election 1824. Jackson won the election because he believed in the common man not the rich or the common man everyone had a vote. This election was full of dirty and nasty politics.
  • Indian Removal act

    Indian Removal act
    The Indian Removal act was signed into law by Andrew jackson on May
    28, 1830. Andrew jackson traded lands with the indians. Many tribes resisted
    to leave their land, some left the land peacefully. During the fall and winter of 1838 and 1839
    he cherokees were forced to move west by the United states government. Approximately
    4,000 cherokees died on the march , which became the Trail of tears.
  • Worcester V. Georgia

    Worcester V. Georgia
    Worcester V. Georgia- The U.S. supreme court held in 1832 that the Cherokee Indians constituted a nation holding distinct sovereign powers. Georgia conducted a relentless campaign to remove the Cherokees, who held territory within the borders of Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee at the time.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Congress passed a tarriff that made the Southern states mad because they thought is only benefited the Northern states. It shrunk English demand for Southern raw cotton and increased the final cost of finished goods.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    The Bank War was given its name by Andrew Jackson to destroy the Second Bank of the United States, after his reelection convinced him that his opposition to the bank had won national support. In 1832, Jackson vetoed a bill calling for an early renewal of the Second Bank's charter, but renewal was still possible when the charter expired in 1836, to prevent that from happening, he set out to reduce the bank's economic power.