Jace’s 1920s time line

  • 19 amendment

    19 amendment
    On August 18 the 19 amendment was ratified. Women’s suffrage was granted. This gave them the right to vote.
  • Immigration quota

    Immigration quota
    This act limited the number of immigrants allowed from each country. It was mostly targeted towards undesirables. This was mainly meant for the southern and eastern part of Europe.
  • Sacco Vanzetti case

    Sacco Vanzetti case
    This trial starts on May 31,1921. Two Italian immigrants are convicted of murder. They are eventually executed.
  • Harding Dies

    Harding Dies
    A stroke kills President Harding. He dies in a San Francisco hotel room. Vice President Coolidge takes his place.
  • Scopes violates seculation ban

    Scopes violates seculation ban
    John Scopes is arrested for teaching evolution to his class. Fundamentalism is the curriculum at the time. He is eventually found guilty.
  • March of klansmen

    March of klansmen
    The klu klux klan March in Washington. Over 40,000 kkk members attend. They fill Pennsylvania Avenue.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti executed

    Sacco and Vanzetti executed
    All appeals are exhausted. The Italian radicals are executed. They are put to death by electric chair.
  • 1st movie with talking

    1st movie with talking
    The 1st the movie with talking in it premieres. It’s called “the jazz singer”. Al Jason’s movie ends the era of silent movies.
  • Hoover elected

    Hoover elected
    Herbert Hoover is elected president. His slogan is “a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage”. He maintains the rupublican dominance in office.
  • Stock market crashes

    Stock market crashes
    The stock market collapses. The Great Depression starts. Later on in 1932, the Dow Jones industrial average reaches its lowest point and won’t fully regain until 1954