
Islamophobia after 9/11

  • 9/11

    19 extremists from the terriost group al-Qaeda hijacked 4 plans and carried out suicide missions. After this event Islamophobia increased 14%. Following the attacks a neo-Nazi was quoted as to saying “We may not be wanting them to marry our daughters...But anyone who s willing to drive a plane into a building to kill jews is alright by me. I wish our members had half as much testicular fortitude” Just showing how racist people can be, and how nasty some people are.
  • War on Terror

    War on Terror
    After 9/11 the united states government launched a campaign known as the war on terror, which has had a major impact as to the increase in islamaphobia, "As of February 2002 the number of hate crimes and “anti Muslim” incidents reported by American Muslims exceeded 1,700. These ranged from public harassment and hate mail to bomb threats, death threats, physical assault, property damage, and murder.."
  • Period: to

    Wars in the middle east

    After the 9/11 attacks the united states moved troops into Afganistan calling almost all of them terrorists or saying they supported terriosim, they did the same in Syria. Leading to a large increase in Islamophobia from 14% to 43%.
  • Islamophobia after 9/11

    Islamophobia after 9/11
    10 weeks after 9/11 it was recorded that more than 500 violent incidents, including threats, assaults, arsons, shootings and atleast a half-dozen murders attacks on South Asian immigrants spiked sharply. After 9/11 a U.S Christian Network denounced islam and was quoted as to saying "Islam is not a peaceful religion that wants to coexist. They want to coexist until they can control, dominate and then if need be destroy."
  • Iraqi War

    Iraqi War
    The Iraqi war occured because of an accusation that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, after the war no weapons of destruction were ever recovered or found. This is just one example of a pointless war that was fought for no apparent reason. But what it did however was increase islamophobia, one expert said on the question: "is islam a violent religion?" responded with this "I think this is a typical stereotypical, derogatory statement to say that a religion is violent"
  • Zohreh Assemi - Hatecrime

    Zohreh Assemi - Hatecrime
    The attack followed two weeks of phone calls in which Iranian-American Zohreh Assemi was called a “terrorist” and told to “get out of town,” friends and family said.
    She was opening her store in Locust Valley at around 6:30 a.m. when two men came out of a public bathroom and forced her inside the salon.They smashed her hand with a hammer, sliced her with a boxcutter and kicked her before taking about $2,000 in cash and wrote anti-muslim slurs on her window
  • Chapel Killings

    Chapel Killings
    Two Muslim students were killed, based soley on the fact that they were muslim but hardly any attention was paid to it. Leading to a uprise in the social media with the trend #Muslimlivesmatter which lead to the story getting more coverage and spreading atleast a little more awarness.