The importance of education

Is 'education' about the pursuit of knowledge and truth or a process of preperation for the world of work?

  • Marxism

    What is Marxism? Marxism is the theory in which class struggle is a central element in the analysis of social change in Western societies.
  • Education Act

    Education Act
    The Education Act of 1944 The board of education was put in place to ensure that LEAs executed the national education policy in an effective way. The LEA's were responsible for secondary and further education as well as elementary education and funding and grants for further education.
  • Bloom's Taxonamy

    Bloom's Taxonamy
    Bloom's Taxonamy Bloom's taxonamy of learning is the idea that there is more than one type of learning; there is in fact three:
    ◦Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)
    ◦Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)
    ◦Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)
  • Crowther Report

    Crowther Report
    Crowther Report Historical records show that interest in vocational education increases during periods of econmic difficulty.
  • Dearing Report

    Dearing Report
    Funding for Higher Education The dearing report looks into the funding for higher educationa and suggests that when students leave and are able to get jobs, that when they start earning a certain ammount that they can start to pay back their funding over time to help the higher education system going.
  • The Wolf Report

    The Wolf Report
    Review of Vocational Education Students are participating in vocational courses that they wish to do but they dont alwats lead to a successful employment. Is the education system teaching them the right skills and knowledge to enable them to get the jobs they want?
  • School Leavers

    School Leavers
    UK students are leaving school without the basic sckills to survive in the world of work suggesting that they are not been taught the essential skills in school to aid them in getting a job after education
  • Leitch Review

    Leitch Review
    Leitch Review The Leitch Review was launched due to concerns over the ability of UK to compete in the increasingly globalised markets due to poor levels of literacy and numeracy in some sections of the workforce,
  • Browne Review

    Browne Review
    Higher Education Funding The report proposes the removal of government funding for the bulk of university teaching, forcing institutions to raise that lost income from students through fees.
  • Tuition Fees

    Tuition Fees
    Raising Tuition Fees From September, universities in England will be raising their tuition fee's to £9,000 per year. Will students want to pay that price for an education?