
war between gleem curtis and the wright brothers

  • glenn

    glenn was a man that builds motor for motorcycles and he is quite pretty famoues in USA
  • willburg y orville

    willburg y orville
    willburg three years before notice how the birds fly without moving their wings and he start to fabric a design, but it is not funtional and they crash
  • thw wright flyer

    thw wright flyer
    orville and willburg after wasting 1000 dollars in a new desing of plae with motors and upgraded direction, fly 120 meters and mantain in the air for 54secondes, plus they do the "patente" of planes of "torsionando" the wings for go left to right and right to left
  • the wrong descicion

    the wrong descicion
    gleen curtis send a petition of having his motors in the plane for the faster and some days later the patent of the wright is aproved but they say no to the petition of gleen the thing that they don´t know is that by that moment they created they worst competition
  • the invitation

    gleen curtis is invitated toparticipate with some otehrs engineers leaded by graaham bell for a design of plane they said that his motors are the clue for the plane
  • the jumbo

    the jumbo
    while gleen was thinking in a differet way of estabilizing the plane he thinks about the ailerons a technology used today he and his team build the "jumbo" a plane created by them but with the double of power than the wright plane
  • a day before

    A day before flying in public in an aeronautic competition gleen decides to preve the jumbo for last time before the event but he crashed
  • a kilometer and a half!

    for the next day the jumbo was repaired and soon the competition had strated and curtis without fear flyy a kilometer and a half breaking all records!!!
  • the crash

    the crash
    because gleen was wining land in the aeronautic point the wright brothers decide to accept a contract with the USA army about 25000 tousand dollars were in game with it and for the final demostration a lieutenant go with orville for fly but they crash orville almost survived but the lieutenant don´t
  • the petition

    later of willburg making a show in new york gleen propose willburg to make an alliance and like that they will gain lots o money but willburg does not like that idea so he deny that
  • miss!!

    i want to you to see it it is awesome and i don´t want to spoil spoilear the end so see it pls i hope you liked