Patent an invention 1


  • 300

    Number system

    Number system
    sourcesThe first number system was made by Pingala
  • Period: 300 to


  • 500

    Formal Language

    Formal Language
    The first formal language was made in Panini in 500
  • May 1, 1280


    The first pair of eyeglasses were made in 1280
  • May 3, 1350

    Suspension Bridge

    Suspension Bridge
    The first suspension bridge was built in Peru in 1350
  • May 1, 1510

    Pocket watch

    Pocket watch
    The first pocket watch was made in 1510 by Peter Henlein
  • Thermometer

    The first thermometer was madein 1593 by Galilieo.
  • Telescope

    The first telescope was made in 1608 by Hans Lippershy
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The first steam engine was invented in 1698 by Thomas Savery.
  • Vaccination

    The first vaccination was invented in 1798 by Edward Jenner.
  • Vaccuum

    The first vaccuum was made in 1901 by Hubert Booth
  • ATM

    The first ATM was made in 1967 by John Shepperd Barron
  • Camcorder

    VideoThe first Camcorder was made in 1983 by Sony
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web was invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee
  • Gunpowder

    Gunpowder was invented in 800s by the China
  • Horse Collar

    Horse Collar
    The first horse collar was nade in 900 in Europe