Interaction with Media

  • Yahoo

    Yahoo was the first search engine we've encountered where you search certain information and other data that we neede.
  • Facebook

    We use facebook as a platform for communication and we use this as a source of entertainment because it has online games and also to express ideas by posting photos and other activities
  • Google

    With the existence of google, it begins to be the most used search engine around the world. We now used this as a search engine because it contains a lot of information and more inovative than the first one which is yahoo.
  • Youtube

    We use youtube when it comes to entertainment because with this type of media we can search any other genre of videos and youtube is also educational.
  • Messenger

    Messenger is an app created by facebook which is used to communicate in terms of chatting and video call and entertainment because it has games.
  • Instagram

    Instagram is an app which gives us the ability to communicate with our friend and families and we can use this to share and store information by means of photos.