
Integration into Schools

By kavdr4
  • PLessy vs. Ferguson

    PLessy vs. Ferguson
    Plessy Vs. Ferguson Youtube VideoPlessy Vs. Ferguson LinkThe Plessy Vs. Ferguson supreme court case in 1896 was the first thing that the supreme court ruled that had effects on the school system. The Supreme Court ruled “Separate but equal”, meaning that blacks and whites were split up into different schools, and there was a black and white school. And both were supposed to be equal. Of course things wound up not being equal which eventually lead to the Brown Vs. Board of Education supreme court case.
  • Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma

    Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma
    Sipuel v. Board of Regents: On January 14, 1946 Ada Lois Sipul, a negro student, qualified for education by the state and applied for admission to the School of Law of the University of Oklahoma. However, her application was denied because of her color. She then applied for a writ of mandamus in the district of Cleveland County, Oklahoma. The mandamus was refused. However, the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma further ruled her entitlement to a legal education at the school.
  • McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

    McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
    Link to WebsiteWhen George W. McLaurin was denied admission into the graduate program. This was a classified misdemeanor operation by the campus in which both blacks and whites attended. After a lawsuit against the federal court in OK City, the case was struck to an extent in which McLaurin was forbidden from attending the school. The school further attempted to segregate him even after they had to admit him into school.
  • End of degregation

    End of degregation
    End of degregation LinkThe U.S Supreme Court cases more than 50 years apart saw the struggle over race and schools in the U.S Brown v. Board of Education!1954), ended the jure racial segregation of schools, and forced districts to integrate their schools.
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
    Brown Vs. Board of Education Youtube VideoBrown Vs. Board of Education LinkIn the court case Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. This ruling of Brown vs. Board of Education made the original case of Plessy vs. Ferguson no longer constitutional and stated that segregation in schools was no longer allowed, but the problem with this was that this ruling made no time line of action for changing things. The Supreme Court said that it was unconstitutional but did not have any plans of action.
  • Brown II

    Brown II
    Brown II LinkBrown v Board of Education didn’t have a specific time or plan to desegregate schools. In May 1955, the Supreme Court issued Brown II for guidelines for the decision. The court ordered the lower federal courts to overlook and to manage the pace of the desegregation. The African Americans and civil rights organizations had to do most of the fight for the desegregation of the public schools since president Eisenhower and U.S. Congress put little support.
  • The Little Rock School Crisis

    The Little Rock School Crisis
    The Little Rock School Crisis LinkAfter the ruling of segregation in schools being unconstitutional a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas 3 years after the ruling finally started considers integration. They interviewed lots of African American kids who wanted to go to the high school and out of the tons they interviewed they only chose 9 students. On their first day of school the 9 students were greeting by an angry mob of white students and parents. After this the students eventually gave up going to school there.
  • Oklahoma sit-in movement

    Oklahoma sit-in movement
    Oklahoma sit-in movement linkOne of OK Sooner’s African-American heroes is Clara Lupa an OK teacher who started the first lunch-counter sit in movement in 1958. She is remembered as the “mother” of the state's Civil Rights struggle for her courageous efforts in integrating segregated establishments. During this movement students along with Lupa and her daughter desegregated the Katz Drug Store lunch counters by using tactics and being patient. Several years later all of OK eating establishments were integrated.
  • Civil Right's movement

    Civil Right's movement
    Civil rights movement linkBlack Americans faced poverty and degrading racial social system known as Jim Crow. In the south most of the rights for black was taken away they were condemned to the worst conditions, they worked for pitifully low wages. By 1955 the black community finally started to fight back and they went to the churches where they have always been accepted. One of the new ministers in town was Martin Luther King the most famous leader of the Civil Rights movement and they formed a campaign named boycott.
  • New Orleans School Integration

    New Orleans School Integration
    New Orleans School Integration LinkAfter the Brown v Board of Education in 1960, the school board made a plan to desegregate schools. The plan was to put two integrated school in New Orleans, located in Ninth Ward, on a one-grade-per-year basis. November 14th, 1960, four girls were shielded and protected by U.S. Marshals and integrated the two schools. Riots led by segregationists erupted in the city and parents started enrolling their kids into private schools.
  • Chicago School Desegregation

    Chicago School Desegregation
    Chicago school desegregationChicago’s black population increased after WW2 by 800,000, which meant more schools and bigger classes. Superintendent Benjamin Willis rejected calls for desegregation. Parents and students protested against Willis’s policies and U.S. Departments withheld federal funds until a plan was established. After Willis’s term James Redmond attempted to make plans for black kids to go to white schools.
  • School Desegragation

    School Desegragation
    School Segregation Youtube Video LinkSchool Desegragtion LinkIn 1954 the Supreme Court took a step in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka the court permitted separate schools for blacks and whites. All segregations in school were "inherently unequal" and all blacks were prohibited to attend a public school with white kids were denied equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.