Influence of Religion or Wealth

  • W: Indentured Servants Introduced

    Used other people to do their jobs. They were basically slaves.
  • R: John Locke "Toleration"

    Toleration is written into the Bible yet we don't follow it. Stick to own beliefs but deny others.
  • R: Salem Witch Trials

    Killed and sent people away for not following their beliefs.
  • W: "Translating" the Bible

    They took the supernatural out of the Bible and made it what they wanted. George Washington didn't even follow a religion.
  • W: Great Depression Starts

    People were more focused on finding a job or food than believeing in a religion.
  • R: Torcaso

    Tried to become a notary public. Required to declare his belief in God but denied because he was an atheist. Torcaso's case eventually made it to the Supreme Court where it was decided states cannot have a "religious test".
  • W: Thirty Years After the 'Filthy Fifteen'

    Woman of Washington use their fame to get a case that had no need. Went to the Senate when the record companies said they would implement labels on their albums. Resulted in less sales and biased stores/ people.
  • R: Abstinence only in New York

    Board of Education adopts Abstinence Only sex education and prohibits classroom demonstration of condom use. Religion is influencing education.
  • R: Who Gets to Work at Ambercrombie

    Samantha Elauf applied at Ambercrombie but denied for wearing a hijab. They said it wasn't for religious reasons.
  • W: Dollars for Doctors

    Doctors write prescriptions when not needed to get patients and look better.