
Industrial Revolution, Immigration Boom, and Progressive Era

  • Industrial Giants

    Industrial Giants
    When people started creating businesses, the ownersused their money for different things and different ways. Robber Barons were dishonest and used their money for themselves. Captains of Industry used their money for the country in some ways.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Many factories produced a lot at this time period, They created useful things that rich people buy and the poor people usuallly work in the factories. This is where Mass Production comes in. That is when they created many large quantities of a product. The people who worked in factories did many processes or tasks to different people to improve efficiency which is called division of labor.
  • Nativism

    A sociopoliticial policy, especcially in th United States in the 19th century, favoring the interests of establishd inhabitants over those of immigrants.
  • Immigration

    Many people from around the world began to immigrate to the United States during this time period. Many immigrants wanted freedom or they wanted to live the "American Dream." That means they could learn what religion they wanted, the economics, the political stuff, social mobility.
  • Period: to

    Waves of Immigration

    Many people from Ireland and Germany came to the United States and many went to Ellis Island. Many immigrants came because they wanted to live the "American Dream." The Irish came to the United States for famine proverty and the Germans came for political upheaval. There was estimate that 5 million immigrants came to the United States.
  • Backlash Against Irish

    Millions of immigrants came to the U.S at this time period and they were mostly people from Ireland. They were poor and unskilled, also, they only knew a little English. Many people made stereotypes about the Irish and about their culture saying that they drink too much and they are dangerous which isn't true.
  • Conservation Movement

    Conservation Movement
    A conservation is the act of humans actively supervising rivers, forests, and other nature resources. There was a debate over which areas to protect. Politicians, activists, and naturalists bean to make a case.
  • Period: to

    Waves of Immigration

    People from Italy, Nordic Countries, Eastern Europe, China, and Japan started immigrating at this time. Around 300,000 Chinese people came to the United States because the Opium War was happening in China. When the Japanese immigrated to the United States, they worked on railroads. The Japanese had to work for a long time in the hot sun with no breaks. People from the United States naturalized immigrants who came to the country.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
    People banned immigration of Chinese people for 10 years. They believed they weren't becoming "American" enough.
  • Trust Busting

    Trust Busting
    President Theodore Roosevelt called to break trusts. Trusts were when two companies are selling the same thing and they join together to become a bigger business. Theodore didn't like it because it was killing competition.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
    The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory had many women and children workers. They had to support their family. They only earned $2 in the 14 hours they worked in. Women were striking for shorter hours and a better payment. A fire happened and it was started by a cigar. The death count was so high because people fell in the elevator shack, many fell through the window that was many feet high, and many were burned to death.
  • Prograssive Era: Woman's Suffrage

    Prograssive Era: Woman's Suffrage
    Women back then always said that women were the same as men. They said that they were as strong as men and they could do the same jobs as men did. Although other people didn't think they were equal. Women really wanted the right to vote, when men would go out on the battle field to go to war, the women would be responsible for almost anything. Women worked. They cleaned around the house and they took care of their own children by themselves.
  • The Progressive Era: Child Labor

    The Progressive Era: Child Labor
    The goals were tax reforms, women's suffrages, political reform, worker's rights, and environmental regulations. Many children worked in facotries, mines, sweatshops, and agriculture. They had to work for long hours and they got payed less. The reason why they had to work was for their families and to get money for food so they won't starve. They wanted to end child labor because it was very dangerous and it was too much work for them
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    People let a limited number of immigrants who'd be accepted from any country to a small percentage of American residents of that nationality.
  • Labor Movement

    After women and children being treated unfairly at work, the labor movement happened. They wanted better working conditions to make their working place safer for them. They also wanted a better payment and shorter hours.