
Indigenous rights since 1948

  • Australian Freedom Rides

    Australian Freedom Rides
    the freedom rides of australia were very similar in their travels t the american versions
    the rides were run by Charles Perkins, the group was mostly made of non-aborignals and went around rural parts of NSW and protested rigts for aborignals they were sometimes run out of the town and off the road
    however the media soon started to follow them and this allowed other people to see the pratises of these rural towns.
    these played a large effect on the aborignity rights movements
  • Wave Hill Walk Off

    Wave Hill Walk Off
    This was one of the most significant events of the aborignal rights movements as it raises the awareness of the issue of racism iat the time and showed the europeans what the aborignals really wanted.
    The man featured is vincent liggeri the leader of this 'strike' and was the main negotiater of the Gurrndji people.
  • The Referendum

    The Referendum
    the referundum of 1967 gave the public the vote to decide if aborignal people were counted in the cesus and if the federal government woud be able to legistrate directly to the aborignal and torres strait islanders. this was passed with around 90% of people saying yes
  • Aborignal Tent Embassy

    Aborignal Tent Embassy
    This was built in front of parliment before the whitlam election and was built to keep aborignal rights in the eye of the pubic, as a response of the slowness of the process of aborignal rights in australia.
    They made negotiable demands but they were refused and the police tore them down and arrested some people
    Over the next 5 years the embassy was set up and destroyed again
  • Gurindji land returned by Whitlam government

    Gurindji land returned by Whitlam government
    This was the first action made by the australian gvernment that shows thier recognition of native rights to the land.
    the picture is of vincent liggeri getting poured sand into his hand by Prime minister Whitlam symbolising the land given back to the gurindji people
  • Bringing Them Home report

    Bringing Them Home report
    was a report to help the stolen generation find thier homes again.
    this as made by the government as part of redeming the past wrongs the government had performed
  • Mabo Case ruling in the high court

    Mabo Case ruling in the high court
    The high court decision around the native title was given to the murry islanders and that the term terra nullis no longer applied to austrlia. this was the main concept of british ownership of the country