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Important Events of WWI

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    Important Events leading up, during, and after WWI

  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife who both held the thrown of Austria-Hungary were visiting Sarajevo. They heard of threats that might happen, but he continued because he wanted to people to see him. Their car was bombed, but everyone was okay. They continued on when Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist, shoots and kills Ferdinand and his wife. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia and declared war, starting the Domino Effect.
  • The Lusitania Disaster

    The Lusitania Disaster
    The Lusitania was a British ship that carried passengers, some being American. A German boat sank the Lusitania killing everyone on board. 128 American Tourists were killed on that ship, and America was angry. This caused America to finally join the war and go against Germany and the Central Powers.
  • First Battle of Somme

    First Battle of Somme
    This battle was very bloody and was the beginning of Trench warfare. Britain suffered large casualties, and at the end of the war 1.2 million lives were lost, but only 7 miles of ground were gained. The trench warfare, where country’s would fight for yards of ground, lasted 3 years.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution occurred when working class and poor citizens revolted against Russian government. There was food shortages, money shortages, and inflammation which caused the citizens to become angry at their government. There was also heavy loses and not enough supplies during war, which made citizens doubt their leadership.
  • The Zimmerman Note

    The Zimmerman Note
    This was a telegraph between German foreign mister and Ambassador in Mexico. Germany was offering an Alliance with Mexico, offering to get their land back in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.
  • America Joins War

    Factors such as Germany ignoring Wilson’s plea for peace, the Zimmerman note, and the sinking of Lusitania all caused the US to officially join the war. Wilson had lots of people gather in the capitol building while speaking about joining the war. A couple days later the US made it official.
  • Russia Surrenders

    Russia Surrenders
    Russia surrendered to the Germans, The Central Powers could now focus on the Western Front. Because of all the riots in Russia a new leader took thrown and promised that Russia would get out of WWI
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    Germany Collapses and Austria-Hungary surrenders to Allies. Many revolutions followed in Germany, so they decided to sign a peace treaty, officially ending World War 1.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles helped WW1 end. The treaty ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers.