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Important events of The Great Depression

  • Herbert Hoover elected President

    Herbert Hoover elected President
    Herbert Hoover, an engineer who organized food production. Elected to en proverty, and he also believed in "Rugged individualism"
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Known as Black Tuesday, the stocks started moving sharply downward. Many people lost their money. Prices were soon at an all time low.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    In the early 1930s the great plains went through a series of droughts, that caused damage to there crops. There was also heavy dust storms that damaged the farmers homes.
  • Franklin Roosevelt is elected President

    Franklin Roosevelt is elected President
    Franklin D Roosevelt, Governern of New York was nominated as a democratic canidate for the Presidential election. He won in a landslide election.
  • New Deal begins

    New Deal begins
    FDR's program for getting the nation out of depression.The new deal focused on "Relief, Recovery, and Reform"
  • FDR court-packing Scheme

    FDR court-packing Scheme
    Roosevelt feared that the court would declare the New Deal legislation unconstitutional, so he proposed a plan to allow the president to add a new appointment to the Supreme court.