
Important Events of the Cold War

  • The Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam Conference held from July 17-August 2nd 1945 is where the division of Germany between the Allied Powers of the US, Soviet Union, Britain and France was decided. These divisions would play a large part in events between the Soviet Union and the US in times to come.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima Japan

    Bombing of Hiroshima Japan
    After testing their first nuclear weapon in the New Mexico desert almost a month earlier, the United States revealed their weapon to the world when they dropped one on Hiroshima Japan, and three days later on Nagasaki, bringing about Japan's surrender from World War 2. This event is considered the beginning of the nuclear age that would define the Cold War era.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    When Germany was split into the four zones, Berlin which sat in the Soviet zone was also divided. The Soviets kept roads open so that supplies could be delivered to those who needed them in West Berlin, but the roads were eventually closed and blockaded. In order to feed those in West Berlin, the Berlin Airlift of supplies began and continued until the blockade was terminated in May of 1949
  • Establishment of NATO

    Establishment of NATO
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization better known as NATO, was formed as an alliance between Western Europe and also the United States and Canada, that insured that if any of these nations were attacked the others would treat it as if it was an attack on themselves. This alliance was considered the main one against the Soviet threat.
  • First Soviet Detonation of Atomic Bomb

    First  Soviet Detonation of Atomic Bomb
    On this day, the Soviets tested their first atomic bomb in Kazakhstan. It was at this point that it was obvious that the Soviets were now rivals with the Americans, and that with both of them having nuclear capabilities it could only worsen.
  • Korean War Starts

    Korean War Starts
    During the time of World War 2, Korea had been under Japanese control, and after the war ended the country was split in half one communist part controlled by the Soviets and one non communist part controlled by the Americans. On this day the North attacked the South, and a war began that would span for three years that was never truly ended. This event is significant because it was the first of many "proxy wars" during the Cold War era.
  • Establishment of the Warsaw Pact

    Establishment of the Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet equivalent to NATO, an alliance of Eastern Europe and the beginning of what became known as the "Iron Curtain". There was now a clear dichotomy between US and Soviet allied countries.
  • Soviets Launch Sattelite

    Soviets Launch Sattelite
    On this date, Sputnik the first human made sattelite was launched into orbit. This day is considered the beginning of what became known as the "Space Race" where the Soviets and Americans became determined to outdo one another in space exploration because of the implications of space and nuclear weapons.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    In the previous year, Fidel Castro, a communist leader had rose to power in a coup in Cuba. US paramilitary groups made from Cuban exiles were sent to Cuba to invade, but the invasion ended in disaster with most forces killed. This event set the stage for another one in Cuba only a year later
  • The Berlin Wall is Built

    The Berlin Wall is Built
    The construction of the Berlin Wall began this day because of the amount of people fleeing from East Germany to West Berlin. This wall would become a symbol of the Cold War era.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Soviets installed missles on Cuba, causing Americans to blockade the island country and it was the highest point in the Cold War and the closest to nuclear war that either country got to.
  • US troops sent to Vietnam

    US troops sent to Vietnam
    While America had been supporting Vietnam in the war that had brewed since the 50s, this is the year when Americans were fighting on Vietnam itself, which will lead ot one of the bloodiest 'proxy wars" of the Cold War era.
  • Americans Have First Moon Landing

    Americans Have First Moon Landing
    While falling behind during most of the space race, this was the one achievement Americans had before the Soviets, and one of the defining moments of the Space Race in 1969 having Neil Armstrong of the Apollo 11 mission, walk on the moon's surface.
  • Americans Withdraw from Vietnam

    Americans Withdraw from Vietnam
    After many casualties surmassed, and war crimes commited, public opinion toward Vietname grew lower and lower as the 60s wore on and the 70s began. Ultimately Americans withdrew from the country, leaving South Vietnam to ultimately fall to its northern counterpart.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    One of the defining moments of the end of the Cold War era, is the fall of the Berlin Wall, and on this day free travel between West and East Berlin was allowed, after years of strict enforcement of the wall.
  • Fall of the Soviet Union, Cold War ends

    Fall of the Soviet Union, Cold War ends
    After years of political instability, the Soviet Union officially collapsed in 1991, with Russia gaining a president, and all of the other countries gaining independence. This was the official end of the Cold War.