
Important events during the presidencies of Nixon, Carter, and Reagan

  • The landing of man on the moon

    The landing of man on the moon
    Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon. Armstrong turned on cameras that transmitted images from the moon and took his first steps. His famous quote is "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
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    Nixon, Carter and Reagan

  • SALT agreements signed (Nixon)

    SALT agreements signed (Nixon)
    SALT stands for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. It was signed by Soviet President Leonid Brezhnez and Richard Nixon. Agreements attempted to control nuclear weapons. Nixon wanted to take America's mind off the fact that he failed to end the Vietnam War after four years as president. SALT agreements limited the number of anti-ballistic missile sites, each country could have two. The number of intercontinental ballistic missile's and submarine launch ballistic missiles was frozen at existing levels.
  • The Watergate Scandal (Nixon)

    The Watergate Scandal (Nixon)
    Several burglars broke into the water and Washington DC trying to wire tape phone and steal secret documents. Whether he knew about it or not, he tried to cover it up. He also tried stopping the FBI from investigating the crime. He also destroyed evidence and fired uncooperative staff. This scandal made Americans question the government.
  • Camp David Accords (Carter)

    Camp David Accords (Carter)
    Carter invited Israel's prime minister Menacnem Begin and Egypt's Pres. Anwar Sadat to meet and sit at Camp David. They reached an agreement that Israel would withdraw from the entire Sinai Peninsula and the United States would establish monitoring posts to ensure that neither side attacked the other and Israel and Egypt would recognize each other's government and sign a peace treaty. The most significant foreign policy of the Carter administration.
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis (Carter)

    Iranian Hostage Crisis (Carter)
    Many Iranians were fed up with the Shah's government so revolutionaries forced him to disband his government and leave to Egypt. Pres. Carter let him come to the United States for treatment for his malignant lymphoma. The Iranian people did not like this. A group of pro-Ayatollah students broke into the American Embassy and seized 66 hostages. After a short time they let 14 hostages go. By mid summer of 1980,52 people were still held hostage.
  • The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan (Reagan)

    The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan (Reagan)
    The war was fought between Afghanistan rebels and the Soviet supported Afghanistan government. The United States supported the Afghanistan rebels in order to try and overthrow and prevent the spread of the communist government. A new government called the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, a Soviet supported communist government, and took over the country. Many of the law went against the Afghanistan people's Muslim religion. They began to rebel against the government.
  • Summer Olympics boycott (Carter)

    Summer Olympics boycott (Carter)
    This was the first and only time the United States has boycotted the Olympics. After the Soviet invaded Afghanistan, the United States reacted quickly. He threatened to suspend arms negotiation with the Soviets, condemn the Russian action in the United Nations and threatened to boycott the Olympics in Moscow. When the Soviet refused, Pres. Carter finalized his decision and boycotted the games.
  • Reagan assassination attempt (Regan)

    Reagan assassination attempt (Regan)
    Reagan had just finished a speech and had only 30 feet to walk from the hotel to his car so the Secret Service hadn't thought of bulletproof vest was necessary. 25-year-old John Hinckley Jr fired six shots with his .22 caliber revolver and hit Reagan and punctured his lung. Reagan made a recovery and left the hospital after 12 days.
  • Leonid Brezhnez dies (Reagan)

    Leonid Brezhnez dies (Reagan)
    He was the general secretary of the Soviet communist parties for 18 years. His death the signaled the end of the period of Soviet history marked by stability and stagnation. During his time in office there was a massive military build up that bankrupted the Russian economy.
  • Iran-Contra Affair (Reagan)

    Iran-Contra Affair (Reagan)
    It all began with Reagan's administration illegally selling weapons to Iran. They did this because they hoped Iran would release American hostages held by terrorist allies. Some members of the administration gave some of the profits to the Contras. This was illegal because of a 1984 law that forbade United States assistance to terrorist groups. Oliver North took the blame but got off scott free.