
By Ktar
  • Annexation of Hawaii (414)

    Annexation of Hawaii (414)
    American settlers aided in the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarch, then the outbreak of war in the Philippines gave Congress and president McKinley the go ahead to annex Hawaii for the sugar and territory.
  • Cuban Revolt (413)

    Cuban Revolt (413)
    Cubans failed to overthrow Spanish colonial rule, so in 1895 they renewed the struggle in hopes for forcing the Spanish withdrawal or pull the United States in as an ally. This shows how the United States is a very sought after ally an continues to grow stronger.
  • De lôme letter (413)

    De lôme letter (413)
    A spainish diplomat letter that was leaked to the press and printed on the front page of the Hearst’s Journal. Was insulting the president of the United States. This created tension between Spain and America, therefore the United States helped Cuba conquer the Spanish rule.
  • Boxer Rebellion (417)

    Boxer Rebellion (417)
    The society of Harmonious Fists, or boxers, attacked foreign settlements and murdered dozens of Christian missionaries, so U.S troops crushed the rebellions showing how America is becoming a large power of the world.
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1903 (418)

    Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1903 (418)
    Granted the United States all rights over the 51-mile-long and 10-mile-side Canal Zone to keep US protection. This shows the opportunity that can come about from having a strong protection force and allies.
  • “Gentleman’s Agreement” (419)

    The Japanese government secretly agreed to restrict the emigration of Japanese workers to the United States in return for Roosevelt persuading California to repeal its discriminatory laws. This shows the ability to create bonds with other countries and the power of imperialism.
  • Great White Fleet (419)

    Roosevelt sent a fleet of battleships on an around-the-world cruise. The purpose of the cruise was to show the world the power of our navy.