Impact of Movement of People, Products and Ideas in the U.S.

By mchavis
  • 1st Colony Founded

    1st Colony Founded
    The first colony was founded in Jamestown, Virginia. To get to America, the settlers traveled by boat. They brought new ideas, religion, food, plants, tools, clothes, and animals.
  • 13 Colonies

    13 Colonies
    The 13 Colonies were founded through 1607 starting with Virginia and ending in 1733 with Georgia. The settlers in this area were from different countries including England, France, Spain, and Netherlands. Since people were from different countries they brought different ideas, religion, traditions, etc.
  • Arrival of the Pilgrims

    Arrival of the Pilgrims
    The Pilgrims settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They worked with the Native Americans ( American Indians) and learned a lot from them. The settlers were able to flourish with the help from the Native Americans.
  • Slavery in the U.S.

    Slavery in the U.S.
    People from Africa were brought to America in the 17th and 18th centuries. These people were taken against their will from their homes and became slaves. They worked on plantations in the southern part of North America. They worked very hard, were told what to do and farmed the land for tobacco, rice and indigo. The slaves were about 1/3 of the population in the south. In the south, they wanted to legalize slavery because if slavery was abolished, it would be hard on the plantation owners.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    Northwest Ordinance was adopted on July 13, 1787. States in the northern part of America were admitted into the Union.These states would be considered equal to the 13 colonies. In these states, they outlawed slavery and gave civil liberties to citizens. The area included future states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory for $15 million dollars. This American Indians lived in this area. This purchase lead to people moving out west which included the Westward Expansion, the Oregon Trail and the belief of Manifest Destiny.Manifest Destiny was the thought that settlers were meant to expand across the country.
  • Westward Expansion

    Westward Expansion
    The Westward Expansion started with the Louisiana Purchase. People moved west and had to travel by wagon and animals. The move took a really long time, often months. People often didn't make it because the travel was rough. People often died of illness, starvation, and because of the weather. The reason to move west was the gold rush, mining, having your own cheap land, to be a cowboy and work the land. This wasn't great for the American Indians and they were forced to fight for their land.
  • Steam Boats

    Steam Boats
    The steam boat was invented by Robert Fulton. The first successful steam boat was the Clermont. This allowed goods to be shipped and people to be transported faster on the American Rivers.
  • Trains

    Trains started to appear in the U.S in the 1830´s. By the 1850´s there was over 31,000 miles of track across the U.S. With the trains, it made travel easier and faster across the country. Movement of goods was faster and easier too.
  • Telephones and Televisions

    Telephones and Televisions
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone. Over the years telephones have changed. Now everyone seems to have a telephone on them at all times. You can instantly talk with others. In the past, communication was done by talking to others face to face, through letters, or telegraph. Now people can talk on the phone or through text.
    The first television was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth in 1927. Television allows people to learn, be entertained, and keep up on current events easily.
  • Cars and Planes

    Cars and Planes
    The first car that was made in the U.S was the Model T made by the Ford Motor Company. Cars replaced animal- drawn carriages. Over the years cars have changed and made life easier for everyone. Cars make transportation quicker. A trip that would of taken weeks in the 17th century now can only take days.
    The first passenger plane trip was in 1914 and took place in Florida. This paved the way for planes we know today. Now you can fly somewhere in the world within at least 24 hours.
  • Computers and Internet

    Computers and Internet
    The first computer took several years to make and was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. The computer was very large and was over 50 tons. Computers now are very different. Most people own at least one computer. Computers are now small enough to take anywhere.
    The World Wide Web was invented in 1989 by a British scientist. The internet now is used by everyone. Information can be looked up quickly. The internet is a great means of communication.