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Illustrated Timeline of Early Humans

By bonjavi
  • Period: to

    Illustrated Timeline of Early Humans

  • Australopithicis Afarensis

    Australopithicis Afarensis
    A common name for this hominid is " Southern Ape". This hominid appeared 3.8 million years ago. It lived in the Afar Triangle, Africa. The hominid was about 3 feet tall and had an ape look in the face. Jaw stuck out and had a large forehead. Also had long arms. First people to walk on two feet.
  • Homo Habilis

    Homo Habilis
    A common name for this early human is called "Handy Man". Lived 1.5 to 2 million years ago and lived in Africa. Had a larger brain which enabled them to make tools such as, rocks for chopping, sharp stones for cutting items, and animal bones for digging. Also looked a little bit more human in the face. Were bipeds and lived in groups. Used tools to hunt to get food. First hominid to use traps for hunting.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Common name for hominid is called "Upright Man". Lived 1.8 to 200,000 years BC and lived in Asia. It stood up straighter and was taller. Looked more human and jaw stuck out. Skull was thick and had a larger brain. It made handaxes of stone and it learned how to control fire. It was the first to leave Africa. It survived longer then any hominid. They were good walkers and runners. Created complex tool making and first hominid to make their own shelter.
  • Homo Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens
    Common name for this species is called "Wise Man". Lived 230,000 to 30,000 years ago and lived in Africa, Europe, Germany, and east parts of Asia. It had thick bones and was stronger then modern humans. They also had larger brains and was taller then the other hominids. Did not lean over as much as other hominids. It made over 60 types of tools such as, knives, spears, spear heads, and scrapers. These hominids lived in groups and organized hunting. Made medicine and buried the dead.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    Common name is "Doubly Wisedman". Lived 35,000 to 12,000 BC and lived around the world. It had high round skull and a big brain. Also had small teeth and slender bones. This homind made stone blades and tools for engraving and skulpting. Needles for sewing and stone houses. As time went by they got smarter and made better tools and shelters. Also better clothing for survival.