Ibm symbol 1946 2017


By mfraker
  • IBM founded

    Initially operating as the Computing-Tabulated-Recording Company
  • Social security record keeping

    Social security record keeping
    IBM's punch card machines help keep records for millions of Americans
  • World War II

    World War II
    IBM becomes part of the war effort, tracking statistics and later developing a calculator used by the Navy for projectile trajectory calculations
  • The first hard disk drive

    The first hard disk drive
    Creation of the first hard drive would begin the quest for more memory in a smaller space computers. The first one was quite a bit larger than the photo, and was essential to the 305 RAMAC computer. This was the first computer to use moving magnetic disk storage technology. 305 RAMAC info:

    Standing for FORmula TRANslation, FORTRAN was released as a scientific programming language with algebra like syntax. It would quickly become the most widely used language for technical purposes. Programming in FORTRAN:
  • Transistor mass production

    Transistor mass production
    IBM engineers design the first automatic production line for transistor manufacturing. When up and running, 1800 transistors were produced and tested per hour. History of the transistor:
  • SABRE reservations for American Airlines

    SABRE reservations for American Airlines
    The Semi-Automatic Business-Related Environment system was the first system to communicate via the phone lines to link several computers. This system was used to manage airline data in over 50 cities.
  • Spaceflight

    A whopping 59 pound IBM computer was used for the guidance system on NASA's Gemini flights, which demonstrated spacewalking, orbital rendezvous, and endurance. More information on project Gemini:
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    IBM computers and employees work with NASA to put Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon during Apollo 11, demonstrating the remarkable things you can do with computers. Project Apollo information:
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    The floppy disk becomes the new standard for data storage, further miniaturizing and simplifying data storage techniques. Several generations of floppy disks would decrease size further.
  • Laser printer

    Laser printer
    IBM delivers the first printer using laser technology. This sped up printing immensely, and is still used today for printing large volumes of documents.
  • The IBM personal computer

    The IBM personal computer
    The smallest and lowest price IBM computer at the time. Caught on quickly and became a standard, and was part of the reason the personal computer was Time magazines man of the year in 1982. More information on the IBM PC:
  • Scanning tunneling microscopy

    Scanning tunneling microscopy
    Developed by IBM researchers, scanning tunneling microscopy produces the first ever three dimensional images of atomic structures. More microscopy information:
  • ThinkPad

    The IBM ThinkPad is one of the first notebook computers, and was an immediate success. Computers have become truly portable, coming a long way from the early mainframes taking up entire rooms. Several of these computers were used aboard space shuttle flights for various uses. ThinkPad information:
  • Watson smashes Jeopardy

    Watson smashes Jeopardy
    A question answering system developed using speech recognition technology obliterates the two best human Jeopardy players, showing a huge leap in computing technology Watson information: