As book

I'd Kill for That

  • Someones Dead

    Sigmond Vormeister (resident of Gyphon Gate) was found dead in the sand trap at the sixth hole.
  • Same Fax

    Same Fax
    Vanessa Smart- Drysdale (mayors ex wife) gets a fax that says "I know about Carbury. 8:00 pm, sixth hole, sand trap.Tonight. Come alone.
    Toni Sinclair (resident of Gryphon Gate) gets a fax that says "I know about Slainger. 8:00 pm, sixth hole, snad trap. Tonight. Come alone.
    Jerry Lynch (resifent of Grypon Gate) gets a fax that says "I know about Roach. 8:00 pm, sixth hole, sand trap. Tonight. Come alone.
  • Investigation

    Capt. Diane Robards is called to the murder scene. She is called because they needed a better police officer then they had to do the investigation.
  • Another Creepy Fax

    Another Creepy Fax
    Vanessa and Peter Ambruster (another resident of Gryphon Gate) get a fax that says "I know abut Mignon. Ten pm, Pool House. Tonight. Come alone, bring your wallet.
  • Another body found dead

    Lt. Col. Lance J. McClintock (resident of Gryphon Gate) was found dead on the pool deck behind the pool house.
  • Church Fax

    Church Fax
    Vanessa, Jerry, Toni and Diane Robards get a fax that says "A talebearer revealeth secrets...' -Proverbs 11:13. Church tomorrow. Show time!"
  • 3rd Death

    3rd Death
    Anka (maid for Jerry Lynch) was founf dead in Toni's koi pond with a breifcase full of Toni's jewlery tied around her to drown her.
  • 4th Body Found

    Dr. Charles Jerfferson (resedents OB-GYN who used his own sperm for all of the patients without telling them) was found dead in the clubhouse tied to a chair and his eyes gulged out.
  • Storm

    There is a bad storm and all the residents met to talk abut the murder or muderess and they come to conclusions that Vanessa Smart- Drysdale was the murder.
  • The Real Murder

    The Real Murder
    All of the residents have to go the the marina to get away from the storm. When they get there Vanessa's boat catches fire with her in it. Everon is happy unitl they finally figure out that the mayor- Henery Frysdale is the murder and not his ex wife.
  • Punishment

    Henery Drysdale is arrested and Gryphon Gate is destroyed.