Hunter X Hunter

  • Chapter 4

    Gon reaches the 200th floor were Hisoka sits in the hallway were his hand is up and Killiua and Gon not able to move.The kid named Zushi and his teacher named Wing. Wing said that's the power of nen and in order to pass they have to use nen. So Killiua and Gon ask Wng to teach them. Wing says okay. But to speed up the process Wing gives some of his nen. Once they learned to control it. They were able to pass through.On this floor you got to scheduled fights and get a room.
  • Chapter 1

    We start the journey with Gon. Gon wants to be a hunter like his father Ging. Hunters are people who explore exotic places,mythical creatures and unknown treasurers. But to become a hunter Gon must go pass the Hunter examines. This is a test of skill for people who want to become hunters and get a hunters licence. Once Gon leaves he runs into 2 people naked Leorio and Kurapika. The exam starts with a couple hour marathon where Gon finds Killiua and together they finished the exam.
  • Chapter 2

    Once the first exam was over Gon landed on an island where the examiner gave every one a number, depending who you are the more points your worth. you had to have 6 points no more no less. You had to take, kill, or knock out the person for there badge. Each person had a target Gon had this magician named Hisoka who seemed weak but looked strong.Gon attacked Hisoka and lost the battle. But Hisoka gave him his badge so when they fight again because Gon proofed no match for Hisoka.
  • chapter 3

    After Gon finishes the hunter exams he sets out on a journey to find his friend killuia since he left on he 2nd to last challenge on the exam. Gon finds him and seek out for his father. But first they would need money. They went to a tower were the higher you go up(200 floors). Gon wins his first match and goes to the 50th floor. Gon ran in to a kid who used a technique called nen and the kid's teacher. Gon and killiua wish to learn this to help them proceed farther in the tower.
  • Chapter 5

    Gon and Killiua continue to practice nen for months. After fighting a couple matches Gon decides to fights Hisoka because Hisoka gave him his badge without fighting Gon. This made Gon more motivated to train harder. Then Gon scheduled a match with Hisoka. This was the fight Gon was looking forward to. Gon attacked Hisoka dodges. Then BOOM Gon lands a hard punch and gives Hisok's badge back. But continued fighting. Hioska won. The way to win is K.O point and when you knock down your opponent.