Images 1

Humanities 7

  • Lifetime of Lucy

    Australopithecus Afarensis
    Lived in Africa
    4 millions years ago
    Learned last year
    Her name lucy came from the song the beatles made about lucy in the sky with diamonds
  • Lifetime of Homo Habilis

    Nickname Handyman
    Lived from 1.5 to 2 million years
    Height for feet
    Brain Size two third
    Inventions used stonebto skin animals
    Lived in Africa
  • Lifetime of Homo Erectus

    Nickname Upright man
    Lived to 1.8 million years
    Lived up to 200,000 b.c.e.
    Lived and migrated to Africa, Europe, and Asia
    Height 5'5 feet
    Brain is bigger then Handy Man
    Imvention Hand axes
    Size of living group Traveling size
    Home hts
  • Lifetime of Neandtherthal

    Live less then 500,000 years
    Live from 230,00 to 30,000 years ago
    Live in Africa ther near ear, Europe, and parts of Asia
    Hight abot 5'5
    Brain size had large brains
    Invemtions knives scrapers spear
    Size of living group lived and travel about travel size
    Home cave
    Rituals Wheen members of a group died they would lay them im burial mounds along with hunting tools and flowers
  • Lifetime of Homo Sapien Sapien

    Niclname Modern Humans
    lived from 35,000 and now
    They live im Europe Asia Australia ans etc
    They paint habe rituals and etc
    They have smaller brains then neandtherthal
    They use tools