Human Rights

  • 3000 BCE

    Higher Class People Had Simple Rights

    The upper class and royalty had simple human rights.
  • 539 BCE

    Cyprus The Great

    Cyprus announced that all slaves under his rule were free and that people were allowed to practice their own religion these rights were called and documented on the cyprus cylinder.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 27 BCE

    Natural Law

    Throughout 300 BC - 27 BC the natural law developed in many countries from India to Rome.
  • 1215

    The People Controlling Their Rights

    The people of England convinced the ruler at the time King John that no one can rule the rights of people not even a King.
  • Petition Of Rights

    The petition of rights was created
  • British Bill Of Rights

    The creation of the British Bill of Rights.
  • American Independence

    A majority of British rebels declared independence and the king could not stop them therefore America was born.
  • French Revolution

    Following the acts of the american revolution the french decided to rebel and created a longer list of rights.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon Overthrew the french democracy and crowned himself emperor of the world.
  • Gandhi

    Gandhi fought for the rights of the people of not just europe but the rest of the world.
  • The United Nations

    The world wars ended and almost all the countries of the world banded together to form the United Nations a there goal was to reform the basic human rights.
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    All the countries in the UN decided that these rights applied to all humans and where generally accepted by most countries.