Hum TimeLIne

  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black death first appears in Florence

     Black death first appears in Florence
    The Black death was a disease that spread all over the world through rats and fleas
    Why Do We Care?:
    This links to todays medicines and health because it gives a drive for people like doctors to make medicines to protect us from these diseases
  • Feb 2, 1429

    Cosimo de Medici inherits the family bank and rises to great power in Florence.

    Cosimo de Medici inherits the family bank and rises to great power in Florence.
    The medici Family inherits familly bank in Florence
    Why Do we Care?
    It made a more connected city to the world and it is known today for its banking and history
  • Sep 9, 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. In that time it was mainly used for printing books so it was easier to make books instead of rewriting it.

    Why do we Care?:
    Printers are useful and are needed today because they don’t waste time and information can be spread more further apart and faster
  • Mar 3, 1452

    Birth of Leonardo da Vinci. 

    Birth of Leonardo da Vinci. 
    Leonardo Da Vinci was a multi tasker that promoted many great ideas such as the Mona Lisa he lived in the italian city florence
    Why Do we Care?:
    His work has projected many good ideas into artist and other people such as architects and engineers
  • Apr 4, 1453

    The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France

    The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France
    The country's decided to stop the war that had they had been fighting for over a hundred years.
    Why Do we Care?:
    The trade between the two countries got much better after the war and they did not have to spend allot of money on war
  • May 5, 1469

    Lorenzo de Medici, “The Magnificent”, takes power in Florence;

    Lorenzo de Medici, “The Magnificent”, takes power in Florence;
    Lorenzo de Midici took power in the city state florence,
    Why do we Care?:
    This mattered because this promoted the city making it more available for goods and trade
  • Jun 6, 1492

    Columbus found the new world (America)

    Columbus found the new world (America)
    He traveled the globe looking for new places to discover and tried to go around the globe on a boat
    Why do we Care?:
    America is one of the most famous country in the world witch is in my eyes leading the world.
  • Jul 7, 1537

    Niccolo Machevelli wrote The Prince

    Niccolo Machevelli wrote The Prince
    Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book that shared many great ideas about being a leader and what makes a good leader Why we Care?:
    His book has created many great leaders after his time.
  • Aug 8, 1562

    Shakespeare Wrote Romeo and Juliet

     Shakespeare  Wrote Romeo and Juliet
    Shakespeare wrote books, poetry and plays that were in almost perfection. He was regarded best writer in the English language.Why do we Care?:
    His books and writing are still read and made movies from and he has inspired many other good writer
  • Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. In that time it was mainly used for printing books so it was easier to make books instead of rewriting it.

    Why do we Care?:
    Printers are useful and are needed today because they don’t waste time and information can be spread more further apart and faster