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Huckleberry Finn

  • Huck lives with Widow Douglas

    Huck lives with Widow Douglas
    Widow Douglas gets the custody of Huck. Judge Thatcher puts the money in a bank at an interest, They earned 1 dollar apiece all year round. Huck refuses to learn from Miss Watson who was widow Douglas' sister.
  • Huck joins a gang

    Huck joins a gang
    Huck wishes to join Tom Sawyer's new gang of robbers. He is disappointed as he is required to become civilized in order to join the gang.
  • Pap gets custody of Huck

    Pap gets custody of Huck
    Pap, Huck's father comes back to town. He demands the money which Huck and his friend Tom earned. He wins the custody of Huck as the new judge believes that Pap is the rightful guardian.
  • Pap kidnaps Huck

    Pap kidnaps Huck
    Huck tries hard to reform his father's old ways. But his father returns to his old way of being a drunk. His drunken father kidnaps Huck for the $6000 and locks him up in an old cabin.
  • Huck escapes

    Huck escapes
    Huck fears that his father may give him another bad beating. He escapes from the cabin by faking his own death. He kills a pig and sprays the blood all over the place. He runs down to Jackson Island. He watches the town who were frantically searching for his body. Here he meets Jim, Miss Watson's runaway slave boy.
  • Huck and Jim become friends

    Huck and Jim become friends
    Huck and Jim, journey down the Ohio river to the free states, both in search for freedom. They have many adventures and became best friends. A storm on the Mississippi floods the raft. They come across a house with a dead man. Jim refuses to let Huck see who the dead man was. Huck later realizes it was his own father. They rob the house and manage to find a wrecked ship. During their journey on the ship, they come across pirates, who steal most of their loot.
  • Huck lies about his father

    Huck and Jim, cannot find their way to the Ohio river. They meet some men on their way, who were looking for a runaway slave. Huck lies about his father suffering from smallpox. Hearing this the weary men give him some money. Huck and Jim continue their journey down the river.
  • Huck and Jim get seperated

    Huck and Jim get seperated
    Huck and Jim get separated because of the fog. A steamboat crashes into their raft and destroys it. Huck is sheltered by the Grangerfords. They are southern aristocrats in feud with the Shepherdsons.
  • Huck and Jim sail away

    Huck and Jim sail away
    Huck is caught in the fight between Gangerfords and Sherpherdsons. Many people from both the sides are killed in the feud. Luckily, Huck finds Jim with a repaired raft. They sail off for more adventures.
  • Huck and Jim meet the Duke and the King

    Huck and Jim meet the Duke and the King
    Huck and Jim meet two men who were being chased by a band of people. They were con men, who claim that one of them is the displaced Duke of Bridgewater and the other, the long-lost heir to the French throne( the King).
  • Huck tries to stop the con men

    Huck and Jim try to get rid of the men but they fail. The Duke and the King scam people from town to town. Their latest scam was pretending to be brothers of Peter Wilks' and claim his fortune. They come to Wilks' house and meets his three nieces. Huck develops some admiration for the girls. He tries to hinder the plans of the con men.
  • The Duke and the King escape

    The Duke and the King escape
    Huck manages to get hold of the gold and puts it back into the grave of dead Peter Wilks'. Huck reveals the true identity of the Duke and the King to Mary Jane, the eldest niece of Peter Wilks'. The real brothers of Peter Wilks' also turn up, which creates a lot of confusion. Seizing this opportunity, the Duke and the King escape and get on the raft just as Huck and Jim set off on their journey.
  • Huck frees Jim

    Huck frees Jim
    The Duke and the King continue scamming people and they sell Jim to a farmer. Huck goes to the house where Jim was kept in chains. Huck realizes that it was the house of his Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas. Sally mistakes Huck to be Tom and welcomes him into the house. Huck quickly intercepts Tom between Phelpses and the Steam Dock. Tom was supposed to be visiting Aunt Sally that day. He forces Tom to pretend as his younger brother Sid. Huck prepares a plan to free Jim, and he frees him.
  • Jim is a free man

    After successfully freeing Jim, Jim gets shot in the leg by pursuers who were trying to get him back. Huck has to find a doctor and end up where they started off. Jim was enslaved again and kept in chains. The next morning, Tom reveals that Miss Watson has died two months back. According to her will, Jim was a free man. Tom apologizes to Jim because he did not mention that Jim was free before and played along with the escape plan, as it was a game for him.
  • Huck travels west

    Huck travels west
    Aunt Sally comes to know about the death of Huck's father and wants to adopt him. But Huck was weary of Aunt Sally's motive to "sivilize" him. Huck makes plans to travel west.