Hope Urban-U.S. History Formative Check

  • Completed Tech Tools Aug. 7

    Today I did my assignment to get signed up to all the TECH sites I will be using this year in US History. I already had a GOOGLE account so that made it easy to get signed up. I have all of my history sites ready to use and go on. I also made a password document and folders to use for each quarter and semester.
  • American Centennial 1876

    What were the most important achievements or changes that took place in the U.S. during its first 100 years?
    1. Ben Franklin and the printing press. This was important because without this, newspapers wouldn't have been made and spread through out the U.S.
    2. Alexander Bells telegraphic reciever. This was important because this was the first generation of communication. Without this people wouldn't of been able to communicate with each other.
    3. Carriages because this gave people the ac
  • How Is america best described at this time

    America at this time is described as a country that is stable in how a lot of things were built. Things were becoming advanced like some of the inventions they made. America after signing the dec. of indep.became an independent country. During the time Abraham Lincoln was assasinated, slavery was eliminated. Even though slavery was eliminated, native and african americans were still not being fairly treated. Rasism still spread throughout the country. Women at this time weren't allowed to vote.