240px dachau in dah.svg

Holocaust: Dachau

  • The First Concentration Camp

    The First Concentration Camp
    Dachau was built and was the first Nazi Conccentration camp.It was built near Munich.Heinrich Himmler was the one to announce the opening of Dachau.Two days after being buit, prisoners began to arrive.Although it may have been the first,many were to come in the near future.
  • Heinrich Shows His Power

    Heinrich Shows His Power
    Heinrich began to assert his dominance over the prisoners.He strangled a Dachau prisoner by the name of Sebastian Nefzger.Affterwards he called it a suicide.However an autopsy showed that it was most likey strangulation/suffocation as cause of death.Heinrich along with others were then charged with murder.
  • Camp Expands

    Camp Expands
    Prisoners finished expansion of Dachau concentratiom camp.In order to do this,they destroyed the original camp and an old WW1 ammuntion factory.This made the room for the expansion.Prisoners were forced to work double time seven days a week to finish.The expansion also included an SS military base.
  • Kristallnacht Arrests

    Kristallnacht Arrests
    During the "Night of Broken Glass"" Hitler ordered military leaders to arrest around 30,000 Jewish people and place them in 3 camps.One of those included Dachau.During these arrestsJewish people were literally dragged from their homes or off the street.They usually left with little to no belongongs.About 11,000 Jewish people ended up in Dachau.
  • Dachau Converts into Military Train Camp Temporarily

    Dachau Converts into Military Train Camp Temporarily
    Prisoners in Dachau are transferred to Buchenwald,Mauthausen,and Flossenberg camps.The the SS converts Dachau to traing camp.It later becomes called Death's-Head Division.It was made up of a combat group comprised of concentration camp guards.Dachau was converted back into a concentration camp in February 1940.
  • SS Doctors Begin Selecting Prisoners

    SS Doctors Begin Selecting Prisoners
    In order to maintain the popultaion of the camp doctors came and selected those who were not fit to work.After selecting those prisoners they would be sent to a killing site.Which was located in in Austria.They then would be gassed by medical staff.They called this operation "Special Treatment 14fl3."From January 1942 to November 1944 3000 Dachau prisoners were killed at Hartheim in Austria.
  • Soviet POWS

    Soviet POWS
    The German Army turned in tens of thousands of Soviet prisoners to be killed in Dachau.However the SS Inspectorate authorized a postponement of the execution of the Soviet POWS.But in the end they continued to be executed until September 1944.More than 6000 Soviet POWS were executed between the fall of 1941 and March 1942.They were shot on the rifle range in Herbertshausen.
  • Medical Expiriments on Prisoners

    Medical Expiriments on Prisoners
    SS doctors began to perdorm experiments on prisoners for the benfeit of the German army.One of these experiments included placing prisoners in ice water for hours.About 300 prisoners were used to test this and about 1/3 died.Others were very dangerous medical experiments including high altitude,malaria,and medication.This was a very prominent reason for deaths in Dachau.
  • Death March to Tegernsee

    Death March to Tegernsee
    This occured just three days before the liberation of Dachau.About 7000 prisoners were forced to go on a death march from Dachau to Tegersnee.During the march,anyone who could not keep up or continue to march was shot.Others died from exhaustion,hunger,etc.On May 2,1946 the surviving prisoners arrived at Tegersnee,were liberated by US forces.
  • US Forces Liberate Dachau

    US Forces Liberate Dachau
    The US Forces liberated Dachau and were shocked with what they found.As they came closer to the camp they revealed more than 30 coal cars containg decaying bodies of prisoners at Dachau.They found more than 30,000 prisoners inside of the camp.Of 200,000 registered prisoners,30,000 died.Unfortunatly the true/exact number is not known when it comes to the total number of victims at Dachau.