Hitlers Rise to power

  • Treaty of Versilles

    The Germans had to pay 'reparations' for WW1. The were angry
  • Hitler Joined the Nazi Party

    Hitler joined the nazi Party. He was a brilliant speaker. In 1920 he became its leader
  • SA was formed

    Hitler formed a group of soldiers and thugs (the SA) to attack rival parties.
  • Hitler Youth

    Hitler Formed the Hitler Youth. In their spare time, young people did sports. They were also thought Nazi ideas, and were taught to obey hitler.
  • Hitler became Chancellor

    President Hindenburg made Hitler Chancellor. He thought he could control Hitler.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Reichstag (German Parliament) gave Hitler the power to make his own laws.
  • The knight of the long knives

    Hitler used his personal body guards (the SS) to kill hundreds of SA men
  • Hitler became Fuhrer

    President Hindenburg died on Aigust 2nd. Hitler declared himslef Fuhrer- President, chancellor and comander of the army (supreme ruler/ leader)
  • Hyperinflation

    Prices rose rapidly. People were ruined. The nazi party became more popular.
  • Opposition parties banned

    The Nazi Part was declared "the only political party in Germany."