history timeline JORDAN S

  • NY state act

    NY state act
    Lawence Veiller helped pass the tenement act that required new tenements be built around courtyards. They also need one bathroom for each apartment instead of one on each floor. These new tenements were better living conditions then the older ones being used.
  • Standard OIL and Tabell

    Ida was born in Western Pennsylvania in 1857. Her father was an oil producer. Things changed when John Rockefeller mad "Standard Oil". She wrote McClure's about standard oil and how it ruined small business for people.
  • The IWW

    The IWW
    The IWW standed for Industrial Workers of the World. Their leader was William Haywood founded in 1905. They rasied wages for African Americans from $1.25 a day to $4 dollars a day. This would soon led to strikes in major cities.
  • Rebuilding Chicago

    Rebuilding Chicago
    Daniel Burnham was the leading architect to help redesign Chicago. This would be the first plan to rebuild a U.S city. He want to build a city hall that would be the center piece of his idea. Later other cities would follow such as D.C, Cleveland, and San Francisco.
  • W.E.B Du Bois

    W.E.B Du Bois
    He and a group of African American start the National Association for the Advancement of Color People. They want to stop racism of African Americans . They wanted social reform and equal right and the same pay as white people
  • ILGWU (nternational Ladies' Garment Workers' Union)

    ILGWU (nternational Ladies' Garment Workers' Union)
    In New York three different factories had people walk out on their jobs. Most of them were garment works. By November they had 20,000 to join their caused. They had a strike lasting through the winter. African American Women took their place.
  • National Urban League

    National Urban League
    they fought for racial equality for African Americans. They wanted to improve jobs and housing conditions for African Americans. They help African Americans transition from the South to the North, but still were subjected to racism.
  • Society of American Indians

    50 middle class American Indians demanded the rights as much as white people. Dr. Carlos Montezuma criticize the Berea of Indians Affairs for not managing Indians reservations. They wanted to improve the health and living condtions of their people. They led the way to improve the life of American Indians.
  • The Traiangle Shirt Fire

    The Traiangle Shirt Fire
    The fire started in NY Triangle Shirtwaist Company. There was only two stairways and the crowed work conditions made it impossible to escape the 8 story building. The manger locked the fire doors and this caused 60 workers to jumped. This caused changes in the work place.
  • Cleaning Up the Cities

    Cleaning Up the Cities
    During the 1920's ovehalf of the people lived in rural areas. In the city they had trouble providing garbage pick up and safe housing. This ment not clean and very nast condtions with little law enforcement and firefighters