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History Timeline 1954-1975

  • Brown V.S. Board

    Brown V.S. Board
    In 1954 the Surpreme Court overturned the 1896 Plessy VS Ferguson "Seperate but equal" saying it was unconstitution. Segreagtion in schools was considered unconstituional (The American Pageant textbook)
  • Dwight Eisenhower

    Dwight Eisenhower
    Dwight Eisenhower Eisenhower consistently worked to ease tensions in tensions of the cold war. He met in Geneva, switzerland to discuss soultions for peace in Asia.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks NAACP member Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white man on a bus. Because this is against the law she is arrested which then sparks the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After a year buses are desegregated
  • Interstate Highway System

    Interstate Highway System
    Instersate Highway System On June 29 1956 president Eisenhower signed the Federal Aid highway Act which has been called the greatest publics work program in history. The Interstate high way act has become a huge part of our culture in modern day society. It is one of our biggest ways of transportation.
  • Eisenhower Doctorine

    Eisenhower Doctorine
    Eisenhower Doctorine Congress approved the Eisenhower Doctorine which stated that a country coud request American economic assistance or military aid.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    SCLC Martin Luther King, Charles Steele, and Fred L. Shuttles establish the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. They organize civil rights movements on a basis of non-violence. King was made president of the SCLC
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock Nine On Sept. 4rth, nine black students walked into the all white Central High School. The whites did not want to integrate public schools therfore they blocked them from entering the school. President Eisenhower had to send Federal Troops to help the blck students.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee
    SNCC In April of 1960 the SNCC was esablished. It provided African Americans and place in civil rights movements.They too believed in nonviolence in acheiving equality.
  • Vietcong formed

    Vietcong formed
    Vietcong The Vietcong operated in South Vietnam during the Vietnam war. They were founded by South Vietnam communist and were fighting agaist the US
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    Peace Corps JFK presented the idea of the Peace Corps to a group of students and faculty. The organization was to help third world countries in teaching them basic skills.
  • Eugene Bull Connor & Civil Rights Protesters

    Eugene Bull Connor & Civil Rights Protesters
    Protesters Eugene Bull Connor uses fire hoses and police dogs on black Civil Rights Protesters. The hoses are hitting protesters while police dogs are biting them. The Protesters gained attention and sympathy.
  • Birmingham Jail

    Birmingham Jail
    Martin Luther King During an anti-segregation protest birmingham police arrested and jailed Martin Luther King- leader of the SCLC. He believed since he could not get his fellow brothers and sisters out of jail, he must join them.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Berlin Wall JFK visited Berlin in June of 63 to address the people who were agaisnt the division of Berlin. His talk gave home to the divided city that things would change. 26 years later the wall finally came down.
  • March On Washinton

    March On Washinton
    March On Washington Over 200,000 people joined the March on Washington, held at Licoln Memorial to listen to Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream speech. He gave hope to African Americans stating that one day they will live along side the white man as equals.
  • Bomb in Birmingham

    Bomb in Birmingham
    Bombing Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins were killed at sunday school when a bomb exploded at the 16th baptist church
  • JFK's Assasination

    JFK's Assasination
    John. F Kennedy Assasination While in Dallas Texas, John F. Kennedy was assainated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Along him were his wife Jacqueline, John Connolly (Texas Governer), and his wife. Governer Connolly was seriously injured while JFK was prounounced dead 30 minutes later.
  • Lyndon Johnson

    Lyndon Johnson
    Lyndon Johnson Johnson's Great Society Program was a main priority during his presidency. He pushed for aid for education, medicare, development of depressed regions, and control and prevention of crime.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1965

    Civil Rights Act of 1965
    Civil Rights Acts of 1965 Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil rights Act which prohibits discrimination of race, color, religion, sex, or national orgin.
  • Troops Sent to Vietnam

    Troops Sent to Vietnam
    Troops sent to Vietnam The US sends first combat troops to Vietnam in order to protect the key US air base there. This is questioned by US involvement in the war.
  • Voting Act of 1965

    Voting Act of 1965
    Voting Act of 1965 This act made the Federal Government to oversee voter registration, while also banning discriminating literacy tests which made it diffiuclt for some to vote.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Tet Offensive During the middle of the night, US soldiers woke up to gun fire. They suspected the Tet Offensive would soon make their arrival. Although they never did it was a phychological vicotry for Veitcong.
  • My Lai Village Massacre

    My Lai Village Massacre
    My Lai Massacre During the Vietnam war, a group of American soldiers brutally killed a majority of the citizens in My Lai. When news of this broke out many people back in the US frowned upon the soldiers. Some soldiers were even convicted.
  • MLK's Assasination

    MLK's Assasination
    MLK At the age of 39, MLK was assasinated in Memphis, Tennessee. He was shot while standing on his hotel balcony by a man named James Earl Ray.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Richard Nixon Nixon's first goal in his presidency was reconciliation. Known for his expertise in foreigh affairs, he ended American fighting in Vietnam. He could have been on the list of our greatest presidents until the Watergate Scanal, which hurt him politically.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Nixon Picture <a
    '' >Watergate Scandal</a> Nixon tried to cover up the events of Watergate by firing members that would not help him lie and briibing the FBI to quit their investigations. When this got out to the public it hurt Nixon politically. Nixon eventually decided to resign.
  • Trying to end Vietnam War

    Trying to end Vietnam War
    Ending Vietnam War Nixon Cut the number of soldiers from 540,000 to 25,000 and in 1973 a peace treaty was signed, withdrawing forces from Vietnam
  • US Troops Leave Vietnam

    US Troops Leave Vietnam
    Troops leave Vietnam A few months after signing the Peace agreement in Paris the last US troops leave Vietnam. In return Vietnam release all the prisoners kept at Hanoi.
  • Ford Deals with Defeat in Vietnam

    Ford Deals with Defeat in Vietnam
    Ford Defeat Ford felt it was his obligation to help those vietnamese that were fleeing from communism. He asked congress for money in order to find them new homes.
  • Gerald R. Ford

    Gerald R. Ford
    Gerald R. Ford Ford was left with the remaining Watergate Scandal. He focused on stimulating the depressed economy and world peace
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX IN 1975 Gerald Ford signed Tittle IX which prohibits sex discrimination in student services and education as well as in employment and recruitment.