History Overview

  • Mayflower Compact

    First written contract of government in America
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Doubled land area of the US
  • Trail of Tears

    15 to 17 thousand Cherokee Indians forcefully removed from Georgia, resulting in the death of nearly 4 to 8 thousand Cherokees
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Many Americans relocated to California in hopes of finding gold and getting rich quickly.
    Picture: goldrush.com
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln Assassinated
    John Wilkes Booth assassinates President Loncoln. He was the first American president to ever be assassinated.
    Picture: blog.coldwellbanker.com
  • Prohibition begins

    Prohibition begins
    Consumption and sale of alcohol banned in America.
    Picture: ediblegeography.com
  • Nineteenth Amendment (Women's Suffrage)

    Nineteenth Amendment (Women's Suffrage)
    The nineteenth amendment to the Consititution is passed saying women are now legally allowed to vote.
    Picture: christusvictoratonement.wordpress.com
  • Black Tuesday (Great Depression Begins)

    The day when the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression. The Depression lasts until the mid-1930's, when it finally begins to improve.
  • Prohibition Ends

    It is no longer illegal to consume or sell alcohol in America.
  • Germany invades Poland (WWII)

    Germany's invasion of Poland officially begins the second World War.
  • Allies defeat Axis (WWII)

    The signing of the final treaty of surrender officially ends the war.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Ended seperation between East and West Germany.