History of Video Games

By doorty
  • 1958

    The first video game was created by Physicist William Hinginbotham in 1958 called pong.
  • 1961

    The first interactive computer game was created in 1961 by Steve Russel called space war.
  • 1970-71

    In 1970 Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney attempted to create a arcade version of Ralph's Space War
    In 1971 Computer Space (Space War) became the first video arcade game released.
  • 1972-75

    in 1972 Bushnell and Dabney created the first home video game system called the Atari
    In 1975 the first game created by Atari is pong and was released with the production of 150,000 units
  • 1994

    It was made mandatory to display an age rating on the video game packaging to limit the use of violent content being shown to children
  • 1995

    Sony brings the PlayStation to the U.S. and sells for 299$. it becomes the most popular game counsole in 1997 with 20 million units sold.
    Nintendo releases the Nintendo 64 in Japan (1996 in the U.S.)
  • 2000

    Sony's PlayStation 2 launches and sells out by early morning.
    The sims is released and quickly becomes a hit and by 2002 it becomes the best selling PC game ever.
  • 2006

    Nintendo releases the Wii, a gaming system that lets gamers use the controller in revolutionary ways, such as swinging it like a tennis racjet, holding and tilting like a steering wheel, and more.
    Sony also debuts the PlayStation 3, a very sophisticated and expensive game system
  • 2010

    Sony and Microsoft take the motion control system and apply them to their own consoles
  • 2013

    Both Sony (PlayStation 4) and Microsoft (Xbox One) releases new gaming platforms.
    Nintendo also released the Wii U in December 2012