Brief History of the Web from 2013

  • Vine is created

    Vine, a six second long video platform, is created. This gave rise to "Viners" and is considered a great example of how short our attention span has become in consuming media, while also showcasing the ingenuity the creators had in creating a story in just six seconds.
  • Google Fiber Expands to Utah and Texas

    Google Fiber expands to Provo, UT and Austin, TX. This was a huge step for Provo, as it helped entice some of the bigger tech companies to set up shop in Utah Valley.
  • Amazon buys

    Amazon bought, a live streaming platform that has since become home to video game streamers. This is an example of how Amazon has extended its influence beyond meerly being a shopping site.
  • FCC Passes Net Neutrality

    The FCC passed a sweeping net neutrality order to prevent the blocking or prioritizing of internet traffic. With net neutrality in place, ISP's were prohibited from prioritizing internet access to those who payed more in a monthly plan.
  • Russia uses Social Media to Elect Trump

    Russia engaged in an all-out social media campaign to aid in electing Donald Trump to the US Presidency. Creating fake accounts in support of Trump, as well as hacking the DNC and leaking Clinton's emails through WikiLeaks, Russia did their best to get Trump elected.
  • Vine is Discontinued

    Vine is officially discontinued by its parent company, Twitter. This was generally regarded as a sad day for the internet, and also an example of what happened to popular platforms that didn't make enough money to be profitable.
  • FCC Disbands Net Neutrality

    The FCC jettisoned the previous order, freeing corporations to block or slow down content as they see fit. We have yet to see the full consequences of this event.
  • Tumblr Bans Adult Content

    Tumblr, the popular micro-blog platform, banned adult content from its website. This was considered a major act of censorship against Tumblr's users, and many people left Tumblr entirely in protest of this decision.