History of the Earth.

  • 4500 BCE


    It covers almost 90% of the history but the testimonies of events of the time are scarce because they have been destroyed or disappeared with the different geological events.
  • 4500 BCE

    Guide fossils :stromatolites (cyanobacteria)

    Guide fossils :stromatolites (cyanobacteria)
    They are calcium carbonate formations created by the photosynthetic activity of some bacteria, such as cyanobacteria.
  • 4500 BCE

    Climate event: first glaciations

    Climate event: first glaciations
    They were the longest in history.
  • 3800 BCE

    Biological events:first life forms

    Biological events:first life forms
    They have been found among rocks and thanks to them it has been ruled that the earth is much older than we thought.
  • 2500 BCE

    Eukaryotic cells (multicellular organisms).

    Eukaryotic cells (multicellular organisms).
    It happened thanks to the increase in oxygen that was released in the atmosphere and oceans.
  • 541 BCE

    Paleozoic Age fish and amphibian.

    Paleozoic Age fish and amphibian.
    It was the time when the greatest explosion of life arose.
  • 541 BCE

    Biological events: Great explosion of life.

    Biological events: Great explosion of life.
    Algae and invertebrates appear.
  • 541 BCE

    Climate event: hot and humid climate.

    Climate event: hot and humid climate.
    This led to the creation of large forests of conifers and ferns and the appearance of first reptiles.
  • 541 BCE

    Guide fossils :arthropods

    Guide fossils :arthropods
    the explosion was an event of diversification of species of great magnitude and importance. of life
  • 443 BCE

    First of fish .

    First of fish .
    Appearance of fish and colonization of the terrestrial environment appearing the first gymnosperm.
  • 419 BCE

    First amphibians.

    First amphibians.
    This was due to the creation of an ozone layer that protects against ultraviolet radiation.
  • 252 BCE

    Mesozoic Age of the reptil.

    Mesozoic Age of the reptil.
  • 252 BCE

    Guide fossild:Dinosaurs

    Guide fossild:Dinosaurs
    Colonice terrestrial and aquatic environments
  • 252 BCE

    Biological event:first insects and mammals

    Biological event:first insects and mammals
    Small and nocturnal mammals. the first dinosaurs and first social insects.
  • 252 BCE

    Climate event: Dry and arid climate

    Climate event: Dry and arid climate
  • 201 BCE

    Evolution of marine life

    Evolution of marine life
    Accumulation of seedling, first birds and angiosperm flowers.
  • 145 BCE

    Extinction of species

    Extinction of species
    Produced by a meteorite and intense volcanism.
  • 66 BCE

    Cenozoic: Age of mammals.

    Cenozoic: Age of mammals.
  • 66 BCE

    Climate events: four glaciations alternating with warm periods.

    Climate events: four glaciations alternating with warm periods.
  • 66 BCE

    Biological events:

    Biological events:
    First birds, marsupials and placentals.
  • 23 BCE

    First deciduous trees.

    Herbaceous plants develop, diversification of mammals and birds.
  • 2 BCE

    First hominids and homosapiens.

    First hominids and homosapiens.