History of Robots

  • First robot

    First robot
    George Devol invented the first digitally operated robot
  • Wabot

    Was the first full scale anthropomorphic robot in the world.
  • Water Robot

    Water Robot
    A walking robot for undersea use
  • Robo Tuna

    Robo Tuna
    Robot was used to study how fish swim.
  • Kisment

    Was created by a doctor to interact with people emotionally.
  • Robot Dog

    Robot Dog
    Sony released the first robot dog
  • Robot Fish

    Robot Fish
    Mitsubishi created a robot fish created it to have a robotic version of a extinct spices of fish.
  • Cye robot

    Cye robot
    Personal robots released the cye robot.It did many household chores
  • Cleaning robot

    Cleaning robot
    The roomba was created to vaccum the floor
  • iRobot Terra

    iRobot Terra
    A robot that cuts grass trims your yard.