Rotc patch

History of Reserve Officer Training Corps

  • Estimated beginnings of Military Training on Campuses

    Although the ROTC did not become established until 1916, there was informal military instruction on campuses across the country.
  • Morril Acts Passed

    The Morril Acts, also known as the College Land Grant Acts, sold land and gave access for public universities to grow and provide instruction to students, which eventually resulted in the creation of the ROTC.
  • President Woodrow Wilson signs National Defense Act

    President Woodrow Wilson signs National Defense Act
    In addtion to expanding and providing more programs to develop the United States Military, the National Defense Act of 1916 created the official Reserve Officer Training Corps program.
  • Paul Revere Battalion forms

    Established at Massachusets Institute of Technology, the Paul Revere Battalion created in 1917 is believed to be the first ROTC established program.
  • Period: to

    ROTC Officer Development

    According to data collected by the United States government,more than half of a million officers have been commisioned through the ROTC. The program continues today to produce and train quality and loyal officers with many strenghts both in and out of the military.
  • Period: to

    Surge of Cadets enter Orgainized Reserve Corps

    80,00 men joined the Orgainized Reserve Corps due to World War II. Many who wanted to serve had been called to action because of their participation in ROTC.
  • Selective Service Act

    The Selective Service Act promoted men required to serve the military to register into an ROTC prorgam in order to fufil their duty as officers and not privates.
  • ROTC Vitalization Act

    The ROTC Vitilzation Act was passed in order to promote participation and leadership within the U.S. Military. The offer ROTC began to offer scholarships to those who enrolled in the program which has infulence on the set up of the present day ROTC.
  • Women join the ROTC

    Women join the ROTC
    Although no official date is clear, after protests against the ROTC program, Women became members into the ROTC program and remain an intergral part of the program today.
  • First Women Commisioned through ROTC

    Although the exact dates can only be estimated, the first Women to be commissioned through the ROTC were commissioned in the school year of 1975-1976, due to the acceptance of women in the ROTC in 1972.
  • U.S. Army Cadet Command formed

    U.S. Army Cadet Command formed
    Cadet Command was formed in 1986 in order to orgainize and collect the cadets in ROTC units across the country in both high school and college.