History of Reconciliation

  • Period: 100 to 200

    Early reconciliation

    Christians would have their sins forgiven at baptism. This could only be done once so the majority of people waited near their death to be baptised. It was thought that after baptism, a Christian would be unable to commit further sin. If someone did sin after baptism, there would be no absolution. The sins were confessed directly to God.
  • Period: 200 to 500

    3rd to 5th Century Reconciliation

    Only serious sins were forgiven. The sins were confessed to a bishop in private however sometimes received public penance. This type of reconciliation was usually done once a lifetime and was accompanied by a 3-15 year period where they were not part of the Christian community.
  • Period: 501 to Oct 9, 901

    6th to 9th Centuries

    This period was the beginning of one one private confession. Irish monks gave penance from a book. This form of reconciliation could be done multiple times in a life time.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Jan 1, 1301

    12th and 13th century reconciliation

    A fixed structure was put in place
    Person tells priest their sins
    Person expresses that they are truly sorry.
    Person is forgiven by priest on behalf of God
    Person is told to complete an action of kindness to was hurt by the sin (penance )
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    16th century Reconciliation

    The power of forgiving sins is given to bishops and priests, the screen is introduced between the person and priest to provide anominity. Is formally recognised as a sacrament by the church.
  • Period: to

    Current day Reconciliation

    Three rites of reconciliation were introduced
    First rite:
    A one on one service, where the person tells their sins to the priest and receives penance
    Second Rite:
    A group service accompanied by one on one sin absolution
    Third rite :
    Often done in an emergency, a group reconciliation that involves the priest providing absolution despite individual confession