History of Phones

  • First working phone

    First working phone
    Graham Bell said the first words through a working phone http://inventors.about.com/od/bstartinventors/a/telephone.htm
  • The first dial phone

    1919 was the year the first dial phone was made
  • The first phone that came out

    the first phone came out by motorola
  • phone types

    phone types
    first it was giant and long then it was tall and long then banana shaped then it is a rectangle shape with a screen.
  • first touch screen

    first touch screen
    this is the year the first touch screen phone came out
  • 1st Iphone

    1st Iphone
    This was when the first iphne was made
  • The latest iphone made

    The latest iphone made
    The latest Iphone made
  • next iphone

    next iphone
    The next iphone thats gonna be made called the iphone 7