Nintendo logo

HIstory of Nintendo

  • NES

    Eight Bit Gaming Console
  • Gameboy

    8 Bit Handheld Gaming Device
  • SNES

    16 Bit Gaming Console Manufactured by Nintendo
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    Nintendo's third home console, named for its 64 bit CPU
  • Gameboy Color

    Gameboy Color
    An 8 bit handheld gaming device with a color screen
  • Gameboy Advance

    Gameboy Advance
    The last handheld that had gameboy in the named, It was 32 bit handheld and the successor to the Gameboy Color
  • Nintendo Gamecube

    Nintendo Gamecube
    A sixth generation console and the successor to the Nintendo 64
  • Pokemon Mini

    Pokemon Mini
    Nintendo's smallest handheld console with interchangable cartridges. The system in entirely based around the Pokemon Franchise
  • Gameboy Advance SP

    Gameboy Advance SP
    Upgraded Version of the Orignal Gameboy Advance
  • Gameboy Micro

    Gameboy Micro
    An updated version of the gameboy sp but without previous gen compatibilty
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo DS Lite

    Nintendo DS Lite
    Dual Screen Handheld Console made by nintendo it is a slimmer version of the original
  • NIntendo Wii

    NIntendo Wii
  • Nintendo DSi

    Nintendo DSi
  • Nintendo 3DS

    Nintendo 3DS
  • Wii U

    Wii U