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History of Media

By 873747
  • 100 BCE

    Paper is Invented in China

    Paper is Invented in China
    historical records and stories could now be stored
  • 1455

    Gutenberg invents the printing press

    literacy can now easily spread through Europe
  • Photography is Discovered

    Visual records of people and history can now be stored
  • Morse Code is Invented by Samuel Morse

    Communication over long distance was now possible
  • The Telegraph

    Communication through text can now be achieved over long distance
  • Bell Invents the Telephone

    Conversations could now be held over long distances
  • Lumiere Brothers present the first publicly shown film

    They presented their first Cinémetographe show in the basement of the Grand Café
  • First Radio Broadcast in US

    This was the birthplace of the modern mass media
  • Golden Age of Film

    Hollywood actors become national and international celebrities
  • “The Jazz Singer” is the first sound film

    This is a major step for what we have today with modern entertainment, where we have sound with film, opposed to film without sound
  • Period: to

    Televisions become more acquirable to the general public

    With more people watching, an incentive for commercials becomes real
  • Apple sells the first home computers

    Most people didn’t have a reason to own a home computer
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    The Internet

    Global networks revolutionize how people access information
  • Windows 95

    Windows becomes the standard in business communication and data
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    Web 2.0

    Media becomes more apart of our daily lives
  • Individuals get more influence in the media than ever before

    User generated content grows