
History of Film

  • First Film Created

    First Film Created
  • First Nickelodeon

    First Nickelodeon
  • The Great Train Robbery Film

    The Great Train Robbery Film
    First Film to be 12 minutes long
  • Nickelodeon Theaters Attracts 26 milion people

    When the nickelodeon theaters became big they started to attrack more people to them. Earnign about 26 million dollars a week and in five years it almost doubled.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Bought every film department and wouldnt let anyone else make any films because he was a Stingy man.
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    Went from making 150$ a week to a million
  • Moved to Hollywood

    Moved to Hollywood
    Moved to hollywood because New York had to much bad weather to shoot films in. So they moved to beautiful hollywood california.
  • Nickelodeon Show started up

    Nickelodeon Show started up
    first nickelodeon show to start up in 1990