history of film

  • Phenakistiscope

    The phenakistiscope was introduced in 1832 by belgian phyicist , Joseph platue and his and his sons. (it was a disc with different pictures on it so when you turned it. the pictures created movement )
  • Zoetrope

    The Zoetrope was invented by william george horner (a british mathematician)
    (was a cylinder representaion of the Phenakistiscope)
  • Leland Stanford bet

    Leland Stanford bet
    leland stanford made a 25,000 dollar bet that a horse goes airborn at a piont while running in the race. this had to be figured out with several first box cameras and stings to set them off showing different positions the horse was at, at a specific moment. (he won this bet)
  • Creation of Zoopraxiscope

    Creation of Zoopraxiscope
    The zoopraxiscope was made by eadwardmuybridge. It is known as the first projector.
  • First hand held box Camera

    First hand held box Camera
    Frist hand held box camera was invented by George Eastman and it was consisted with 100 exposures.
  • First Motion Picture studio

    First Motion Picture studio
    The name of the first motion picture studio was "the black maria" made by thomas edison. (it was a very small building with a small cut out that let the light in for the movie and covered with tar boards.)
  • Fred Otts Sneeze

    Fred Otts Sneeze
    was featured in Edisons "Black Maria". Dickson and Edison worked together using the kinetograph and kinetoscope, dickson cameout with this film in january 1894
  • Lumiere Brothers First public screening

    Lumiere Brothers First public screening
    took place in paris france and they revealed the cinematograrphe
  • Invention of the Kinetoscope

    Invention of the Kinetoscope
    a movie shown threw a small prjector into a box. was made by Thomas edison.
  • first recorded animation film

    first recorded animation film
    "The Enchanting drawing" was a vitagraph studios short film that was the earliest surviving prototype pf stop -motion animation made by James Stuart Blackton.
  • Replacement of the "Black Maria"

    Replacement of the "Black Maria"
    the movie theater Thomas edison made in 1893 ,"black maria", was taken down and replaced by a new theater in NYC, it was the first indoor-glass-enclosed theater for the nation that was used all year long.
  • "A Trip To The Moon"

    "A Trip To The Moon"
    Released on cotober 4, 1902 at Melies's theater Robert Houdin in paris. it was made by georges melies's. (introdiced sci-fi)
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    first popular fiction movie. It was directed and photographed by Edwin S. Porter.
  • Disneys first film

    Disneys first film
    Walt disney studio created the first fully animated film "Snow white and the seven dwarfs" now giving families a new form of entertainment.