History of Education

  • "The Schoolmaster's Assistant" is published

    Thomas Dilworth publishes the first textbook
  • Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge

    Thomas Jefferson passes the Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge. The bill proposed that a 3 year public education be tax funded "for all the free children, male and female". This was the first bill that proposed that public education be tax funded.
  • New York Elects First Superintendent

    New York was the first state to form a school board and elect a Superintendent.
  • Boston Opens English Classical School

    This event starts the high school movement.
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    Educational Journals Come into Existence

    More than 60 educational journals are founded during this time.
  • MOST IMPORTANT Horace Mann Elected to Massachusetts Legislature

    MOST IMPORTANT Horace Mann Elected to Massachusetts Legislature
    Horace Mann was the spokesperson for Common Schools which is the founding idea for public education.
  • The First Comprehensive High School Opens

    The first comprehensive high school opens in Lowell, Massachusetts.
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    Dramatic Increase in Number of High Schools

    High schools began opening across the country
  • Committee of Ten Formed

    The Committee of Ten was formed to write curriculum that would get students into college.
  • MOST IMPORTANT "The School and Society" is published

    MOST IMPORTANT "The School and Society" is published
    John Dewey wrote this book that said education should be child centered. He is considered to be the father of progressive education.
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    Immigrant Wave

    During this time more than 6 million immigrants came to the US. This put a major strain on schools. Schools became dark, depressing places where disease and hunger were rampant.
  • School Bells

    This was the first time that school bells were used to indicate to students that it was time to transition to another subject.
  • First Multiple Choice Test is Created

    Frederick Kelly created the first multiple choice test to be used in education.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The crash led to nationwide unemployment and also led to children not attending school
  • George Counts

    George Counts urged educators to take the lead in society saying, "Dare progressive education be progressive"
  • MOST IMPORTANT Brown vs. Board of Education

    MOST IMPORTANT Brown vs. Board of Education
    The Supreme Court ruled that "separate but equal" unconstitutional. This led to the integration of schools and was a major catalyst for the Civil Rights movement.
  • Sputnick Launched

    The US feels the need for accelerated math and science programs because Russia successfully launched Sputnick. This lead to the death of progressive education and started the movement to standardized testing.

    The laws contained in IDEA specified that citizens of the US with disabilities and special needs had the right to be educated. This created Special Education programs in public schools.
  • MOST IMPORTANT No Child Left Behind

    MOST IMPORTANT No Child Left Behind
    As a result of this bill teacher performance was now tied to standardized testing. This completely changed curricula and how students' progress is measured. Funding was now based on school performance on tests. This is the era of "teaching to the test"