
History of Ebola

  • First Taste of Ebola

    First Taste of Ebola
    The first ever reported outbreak of Ebola occurred in 1976 which occured in Sudan and Zaire over a period of time from June to November. It infected over 284 people. However, it's relatively low death rate of 53% is mild in comparison to more potient strands.
  • The Second Major Outbreak

    The Second Major Outbreak
    The next major outbreak didn't occur again until the year 1995. The diease popped up again in the Democratic Rebublic of Congo infecting 315 people and killing 254.
  • The Most Deadly Strand of Ebola Ever

    The Most Deadly Strand of Ebola Ever
    The most deadly strand of Ebola appeared in the Rebulic Of Congo in the year of 2003. Although it didn't have nearly as significant of an impact of some other out breaks, it had the highest death rate of any outbreak ever at a staggering 90%.
  • The Start of the West African Edidemic

    The Start of the West African Edidemic
    A 2 year old child named Emile Ouamo from Guinea dies from Ebola on December 28th . This case seemingly pops up out of nowhere and is believed to be the orgin of the current outbreak. It is believed that the virus came from eating bush meat. The disease soon spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • The Outbreak Esclates

    The Outbreak Esclates
    In less than a year, the WHO warns the world of the the severity of the disease. It epidemic is now considered a "international public health emergency". The WHO asks for help from foreign countries. The disease is now spreading to other various countries in Central and Western Africa.
  • Ebola Reaches America

    Ebola Reaches America
    The deadly disease reaches The United States of America when Thomas Erik Duncan flys from Liberia to Dallas on September 19th without showing symptoms of the disease. Shortly after he arrives he starts feeling unwell. 5 days after he starts exhibiting symptoms he is emmited to the local hospital and dies on October 8th.
  • Spain's Highest Profile Ebola Case

    Spain's Highest Profile Ebola Case
    The first case of Ebola contracted outside of Africa occurs when Tressra Romero treats a priest who was infected with the Ebola after his return home from Africa. She cares for the patient and is believed to have contracted the disease on Setember 25th. Sense that date she has recovered from the disease.
  • Dallas Nurse Contracts Ebola

    Dallas Nurse Contracts Ebola
    On October 10th, Amber Vinson takes a flight from Dallas to Cleveland and returns to Dallas a few days later. While in Cleveland, she starts feeling unwell and has a high temperature. She contacts the disease control center but is told to board the flight regardless and returns to Dallas. Short after she returns home, she emits herself to the same hospital from where she contracted the disease and tests positive for Ebola.
  • Second Dallas Nurse Contracts Ebola

    Second Dallas Nurse Contracts Ebola
    Two days after Vinson leaves for Cleveland, her fellow nurse Nina Pham tests positive for Ebola. Both Pham and Vinsion contracted the disease after caring for Thomas Erik Duncan. Nina has sense recovered from the disease while Vinson is still hospitalized.
  • NYC man diginosed with Ebola

    NYC man diginosed with Ebola
    On the 23 of October, Dr. Craig Spencer is diginosed with Ebola after undergoing a series of trips to Guinea to help fight the Ebola crisis. Although he did not feel any symptoms during his travels to America and during his stop in Europe, he recorded at temperature of 100.3 after landing on USA soil. An ambulance is immediately sent to his home and he taken to the hospital. He later tests positive for Ebola.