History of Computers

  • Commercial Networks Multiply

    Commercial Networks Multiply
    Networking companies are growing bigger and bigger, and more are popping up around the country. Like Telenet, Tymnet, and other major players.
  • CP/M is Developed

    CP/M is Developed
    Gary Kildall created the first successful operating system for microcomputers; called CP/M. This success made it possible for programs to run on multiple computers.
  • Tin Toy wins Oscar

    Tin Toy wins Oscar
    Pixar's "Tin Toy" became the first computer-animated film to win an Academy Award. To illustrate the baby's facial expressions, the programmers had to define more than 40 facial muscles on a computer controlled by the animator.
  • Computer Defeats Master Chess Player

    Computer Defeats Master Chess Player
    David Levy, a master chess player, was defeated by a computer program, "Deep Thought." In the past Levy has defeated other computer counterparts, but he could not come to defeat "Deep Thought."
  • The iMac is Launched

    The iMac is Launched
    Apple launches the iMac which is a machine that has a 32MB drive or RAM, and a CD-Rom.
  • The AIBO Robotic Pet Dog

    The AIBO Robotic Pet Dog
    The AIBO robotic pet dog was a big advancement for its time because it introduced artificial intelligence. Its owners could make over 100 voice commands and it would talk back in a tone language.
  • The Apple IPhone is Released

    The Apple IPhone is Released
    The iPhone- a combination of a web browser, music player, and cell phone- which was also able to download new functionality in the form of apps or applications was launched on the Apple website. This touchscreen smart phone had a built- in GPS navigation system, high definition camera, texting, a calendar, voice dictation, and weather reports.
  • Bitcoin

    Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin- an electronic cash system. In the Bitcoin system, users use software that looks for data and when it is discovered, it rewards them with bitcoins. These bitcoins can be used like real money, but only online.
  • Xbox 360 came into my life

    Xbox 360 came into my life
    Xbox 360 changed my life pretty drastically because before it I loved sports, and loved going outside. Then i found this console, and i got attached. I stopped playing sports and going outside; I gained a lot of weight. Thank god, I found (Hunting, NSCC, and shooting). Now I've lost all the weight I gained and love going outside, and rarely play video games anymore.
  • Facebook acquires Instagram

    Facebook acquires Instagram
    I got my first Instagram in 5th grade under the supervision and permission from my mom. Instagram allows me to share posts with my friends. And my "finsta" lets me share random posts and updates daily with the certain people i allow to follow me. Instagram has allowed me to be able to connect with friends outside of school and meet people from the same schools as a lot my friends. Instagram has been a big part of my life since then, and it, along with Snapchat, is my favorite social media.