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History of Animation

  • Birth of flipbook animation

    Birth of flipbook animation
    The flipbook, or kineograph which was it's original name, is a book with a serious of pictures, each picture with a small amount of change between the prior one. When flipped in rapid succession, the pictures appear to move.
  • Creation of the Praxinoscope

    Creation of the Praxinoscope
    In 1877, the Praxinoscope was invented by Charles-Émile Reynaud. This was made using pieces of paper along the inside of a circle that were reflected by a mirrors on a circle inside, the other circle. Once the wheel was turned, the images created the illusion of animation. This invention could be classified as an upgraded Zoetrope, regardless of the huge difference in time between the 2.
  • Invention of the Cinematograph

    Invention of the Cinematograph
    The cinematograph was the world's first motion picture film camera. It was invented by french inventor, Leon Bouly on February 12, 1892.
  • Stop Motion Animation

    Stop Motion Animation
    Albert E. Smith and J. Stuart Blackton started using stop motion animation when they were making "Humpty Dumpty's circus".
  • Alice in Wonderland

    Alice in Wonderland
    This was Disney's first animated movie that featured Alice in Wonderland. This was in black and white and was silent as well.
  • Walt Disney Studios

    Walt Disney Studios
    In 1923, this wonderful little company was created, responsible for creating some of the biggest hits around the world, such as Mickey Mouse or Toy Story.
  • Mickey Mouse enters

    Mickey Mouse enters
    Mickey Mouse enters with full sound but still lacking colour.
  • Steamboat Willie

    Steamboat Willie
    This animation marked an important milestone in the history of animation as it was the first ever film to have both sound and a completely produced soundtrack.
  • Multiplane Camera Invented

    Multiplane Camera Invented
    The multiplane camera was a motion picture camera capable of capturing images in 3 dimensions. This was invented by Lotte Reiniger in 1930.
  • Tom and Jerry enter

    Tom and Jerry enter
    Shortly after Mickey Mouse's entrance, the first installment of Tom and Jerry came in. They came in a film known as "Wot a night" that ran for 8 minutes and 12 seconds.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
    Finally in full colour and with good length, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves become the full length animated movie. This is produced by Waltz Disney and is one of the reasons why Disney is so popular today.
  • Enter, the Smurfs

    Enter, the Smurfs
    The smurfs first came from simple comic strips by Pierre Culliford but later was translated into english publish into cartoons made for children by Hanna-Barbera Productions.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    Written and directed by George Lucas, Star Wars was revoloutionary at the time, it contained extremely high special effects and with such revoloutionary technology, resulted in huge popularity and everlasting respect for the animation, movie and characters.
  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park
    Known for the realism and detail in the animals, Jurassic Park was also praised for its extreme special effects and realism.
  • Toy Story

    Toy Story
    An absoloute classic and huge hit with both kids and adults, today, Toy Story has modern technology and animation and is also made completely using the computer.
  • Toy Story 2

    Toy Story 2
    Sequel to Toy Story 1, another Disney/ Pixar animation once again hits it large with fans and becomes largely popular to all.