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History of American Education

  • Deluder Satan Law

    Deluder Satan Law
    According to this law, Satancamoufaged his evil deeds within the Catholic church by only allowing scriptures from the Bible to be read during Mass and in Latin. This law was instated in 1647, to help educated Christain English methods of reading the Bible, which was the only important subject of Education at this time.
  • Period: to

    History of American Education

  • Hornbooks for Textbooks

    Hornbooks for Textbooks
    Hornbooks were little pieces of wood that students could hold in their hand that had a film of horn tacked to the front of the wooden holder. On the film, the horn would feature Bible scriptures, Old Testiment, and Caterchism. This was the first method for textbooks to ever be used in 1678.
  • Academies

    At the end of the Colonial Period, Benjamin Franklin started a new standard of curriculum called Acaedemies. Franklin created the second American Insitution to provide. He believed students needed acedmic subject for learning such as: English and mathematics. In 1751, he created the second American Insitution to provide Education.
  • Jefferson's Bill

    Jefferson's Bill
    In Jefferson's Bill, he promoted tuition free education for all white children in Virginia. He strived for government to support education because he invisioned that for democracy to be sucessful it would have to gain an educated society that would shine with intelligence to empower highly educated leaders.
  • Noah Webster's three-volume Gramatical Institue of the English Language

    Noah Webster's three-volume Gramatical Institue of the English Language
    Through Noah Webster's publication of his three volume Gramatical Institute of the English Language in 1785, new curriculum was becoming available for academic related subject studies. One of the more famous books titled the blue-backed spelling book. This book focused on the grammar of the English language, and emphasized on patriotic/morialistic approaches.
  • Thomas H Gallaudet and the establishment of the Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf Persons

    Thomas H Gallaudet and the establishment of the Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf Persons
    In 1817, Thomas H Gallaudet, a educator for deaf special needs students. He observed and studied methods in presenting curriculum to deaf students. An American Asylum for deaf was estblished by Gallaudet which was the first instition for deaf persons. He also insteaded the learning of sign langugae for communication for deaf which is still used today.
  • New Reform of Common Schools

    New Reform of Common Schools
    Common Schools were implemented into the American Education system in 1830. Common Schooling was funnded for revenues from property taxes and would be free to all. This period focused on the way American's funded and administrated the nations standards of education. Reformers such as Horace Mann, Dc. Benjamin Rush, and Johann Herbert supported the movement of the common school system and helped create curriculum and standards.
  • Samuel Gridley Howe and the introduction to Brailie Books

    Samuel Gridley Howe and the introduction to Brailie Books
    Samuel Gridley Howe traveled to Paris, where he observed the presentation of thr forming of sound changes in words using high indentions on paper. He worked with Louis Brailie to print the first Brailie Books for blind students. This methodology changed the process for blind students to read and is still used today.
  • Dorothea Dix

    Dorothea Dix
    In 1840, Dorothea Dix visited every jail within the state of Massachustts to analysis mentally ill persons. Through her studies, she proved that many prisones in jail were inprisioned not due to a crime but due to mental illness. With the help of Samuel Howe and Horace Mann, Dix started the movement for education for individuals with mental illness.
  • Movement of Franklin Bobbit and the Behavioral and Scientific Principal Philosophies

    Movement of Franklin Bobbit and the Behavioral and Scientific Principal Philosophies
    In 1875, there were many opinions starting to evolve questioning the curriculum in public schools. The reformers of this time were on a quest to find the most organized consensus of curriculum. Franklin Bobbit and W.W Charles set out to develop an organized base of curriculum related to social consensus.
  • Reaffirming the traditional Curriculum

    Reaffirming the traditional Curriculum
    Charles Eliot established a standard tradition in place to reform the curriculum of American Education to English, history, grammer and literature. Alll other subjects out side of the reform were rejected by President Eliot to be apart of the standard of curriculum. All this time, few students went to college and the arts were ignored from acceptance into the subject-based curriculum.
  • Teacher Activism

    Teacher Activism
    During the addmission of America into WW1, a reform of Teacher Activism circulated throughout the nation. American's started to center their interests on international affairs instead of domestic. International war was upon the nation and teachers were asked to help lift the spirits of the society by promote patriotism in school and around their communities.
  • Vocational Schools

    Vocational Schools
    Although our educators strived to keep high standards for the students of America, there were also ideas to focus studies to pretain to the feild of employment that the student would wish to explore after his or her studies. A method of teching that focused primarly on job related education became a concept important for students needing to find work faster. This style of teaching was introduced to help students finish school faster so that they could work to provide for their families.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    In the beginning of 1930, the leader of the NAACP movement Charles Houston and many other African American Lawyers, started to present and argue serveral cases to the Supreme Court that began to break down the legal basis of segregation. Not oly did the NAACP successfully manage to oversee the unfair facilities for segregated schools, they managed to enforce a law to intergate all students into desegregation schools.
  • NAAPA and unequal salary scales

    NAAPA and unequal salary scales
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1930 to 1940, was a nation leading civil rights organization, proclaiming many positive legal challanges to the unequal salary scales Southern states had in place for White and Black teachers in the 1930s and 1940s. The NAACP mission was to gain integration within public schools with no segregartion between racial differences.
  • The Absolute Defiance

    The Absolute Defiance
    Outrages swept the South, govenors, school boards, state judges, and White racial parties which began refusing to partake in the new Brown case arguments and successful decisions to take segregation out of schools. With the violent actions of the South and the organization made to keep segregation alive in the public school system, it was obvious more work was needed to justify and unite integration for African Americans.
  • Disabled Rights Movement

    Disabled Rights Movement
    Disabled Rights Movement started to form, and disability activists observed the opportunity of the civil rights movement demands as a time to come together to demand equal treatments and resources. The disability rights movement strived to gain equal benefits and equal support for individuals that had disabilities within the public school system. Disability rights activists fought national intiiatives to pay attention to physical and social difficulties disability families and students.
  • National Defense Education Act and Sputnik

    National Defense Education Act and Sputnik
    The National Defense Education Act was addressed to protect the nationfrom panic from the possible Soviet technological superiority due to the launching of the first satelite into space called Sputnik. The Act focused on the support of finance for new math and science methodology and curriculum.
  • Multiculture Education

    Multiculture Education
    A movement called the Multiculture Education calmed the nation with helpful models to demote racism for all individuals. Multiculturalism focused on three basic models: 1. Support every race as collaboration to one uniting human family, 2. multiple memberships that explained and demonstrated that all cultures have several identities that circulate within, 3. cultural struggle model that presented the pull and push of minorities.
  • Technological Outbursts of the Twentieth Century

    Technological Outbursts of the Twentieth Century
    In the 20th century, as the development of technological inventions were designed, faculties had insufficent funding to keep up with the latest models. Upon the development of every new communication device invented came new wishes for its ability to enhance teaching and learning methods. In recent years, individual computers have began to conqure the technological reform of preference. Computer's ability to focus on personal instruction has provided high quality classroom technology.