History of a Polictical Party - Timeline

  • Start of the Demecratic Party

    The democartic dates back all the way to the early 1790's and wsas created based upon the ideas of anti federalists and the opposition of Alexander Hamilton's fiscal policies.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson becomes first Democratic - Republican President. This is how the Democrats were referred to until the election of Andrew Jackson.
  • 1st Democratic Convention is held

    1st Democratic Convention is held
    Andrew Jackson hosts the first demcratic convention in hopes of gaining his 2nd term as president. Andrew Jackson was also known as the first President of the Modern Democratic Party.
  • The beginning of the national demcratic committee

    The democratic convention in 1848 had started the democratic national committee
  • Jennings Bryan loses to William Mckinley

    Democratic leader in 1896 Jennings Bryan lost to Leading Republican of the time William McKinley
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson becomes the 1st Democratic presidents in the 1900's. Woodrow Wilson was most known for leading the nation through world war 1 and establishing the 1 child labor laws
  • Democratic Gap in Government Start

    After World War 1 the democratic government was very confused about what they represented and because of that they did not win many elections untill the election of the 32nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • New Deal

    Franklin D. Roosevelt proposes the new deal plan which slowly helps the nation get back on its feet.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    After a long time of non-democratic presidents running the nation Franklin D. Roosevelt won the presidential election in 1932 and put the democratic party back in the government. Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of the most famous presidents of all time for the reason being that he was the only president who has won 4 terms in office
  • Harry Truman

    Truman fills in for F.D.R. (after he passes away) and holds down america
  • Nuclear Bomb

    President Harry Truman Drops 2 nuclear Bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • John F. Kennedy

    One of our most famous democratic politician John F. Kennedy is elected president
  • J.F.K. Assassination

    John F. Kennedy is Assassinated after serving 2 years in office as President
  • President Jimmy Carter gains the nation's trust back

    Jimmy Carter wins the Presidential election in 1976 and regains the nation's trust in government after the watergate scandal.
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton is elected president. Clinton was the last democratic President in office, besides our current president Barack Obama.
  • Bill Clinton Scandal

    in the year 1998 before bill clinton could run for office again he is caught in a scandal with Monica Lewinsky which buries his political career
  • Regaining of the Senate in the 21st centruy

    The Democratic regains control of the senate in the year 2001
  • Barack Obama becomes first African American President of the United States

    Barack Obama becomes first African American President of the United States
    Barack Obama shocks the nation as he becomes the first African American President of the U.S.A. He won this position in the nation's government by defeating Head of the Republican Party John McCain in the 2009 Presidential Election.
  • Barack Obama goes for re election

    Barack Obama goes for re election
    Barack Obama is currently running for a re election to serve his second term of presidency. He is also currently the head of the democratic party and is running against current republican leader Mitt Romney
  • John Kerry

    John Kerry
    Democrat John Kerry runs for president against the president at the time Republican George W. Bush. John Kerry seems to be a favorite and proposes new changes and better work and recovery for the lower class of the nation. Sadly John Keryy loses to Geroge Bush and Goerge Bush gains his 2nd term as president.