Usa 1491732 1920

History Class Timeline

  • 1 CE


    September 11th, 2001 left many people shocked. An estimate of 3,000 people killed. Due to a terrorist attack by al Qeuda. Planes crashing into multiple different places. Most people know the Twin Towers. 9/11 will forever be remembered.
  • 1 CE

    Jesus' Birth

    Jesus' Birth
    On December 25th AD God sent his son to this earth to live a perfect life so that we all could have eternal life.
  • 6


    The day Jesus decided everyone needed to meet me!
  • Decleration Of Independance

    Decleration Of Independance
    The Decleration of Independance is one of the most important documents in the history of the United States. The purpose of it is to show the world that the 13 colonies are looking to start their own country.
  • Pennsylavania is a State!

    Pennsylavania is a State!
    On December 12, 1787 Pennsylvania became a state. The founder was William Penn. The capital was and still is Harrisburg.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson bought a piece of land, known as the Louisiana Purchase. It was the greatest reality deal in history. 3 cents per acre adding up to $15,000. It doubled the size of the nation and gave Americans control of the Mississippi.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    From 1848-1855 there was a big event happened when James W. Marshall found the first piece of gold. People from all over the world came to find gold. There was lots of fight, blood, sweat, and tears.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    In April 1849 a group of people called the Donner Party traveled west. On there quest they took a wrong turn and ended stranded in these snowy mountain for 5 months. They didn't have enough food, so one by one as the died, they ate each other..
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th, 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Leaving everyone in great shock. They bombed Pearl Harbor because that is where all the ships and stuff were. Pearl Harbor will forever be in our hearts and we will remember them.