History of Latin America

  • 1095

    Pope Urban Called for the Crusades

    Pope Urban Called for the Crusades
    Catholics wanted to take the Holy Land from the Muslims.
  • 1200

    The Crusades Cause a Big Change

    The Crusades Cause a Big Change
    Countries in Europe learned about trade and manufacturing. This led to them creating small trade fairs and manufacturing centers.
  • 1254

    Marco Polo was Born

    Marco Polo was Born
    Marco Polo was born into a family of merchants, encouraging him to travel outside of his city to find a way to import products from the east.
  • 1293

    The Polos Began Their Journey Home

    The Polos Began Their Journey Home
    They returned home by ship with resources such as ivory, jade, jewels, porcelain, and silk, but also with information about new currency and industry.
  • 1298

    Marco Polo Becomes Prisoner of War

    Marco Polo Becomes Prisoner of War
    Marco Polo was captaining a galley-ship in a battle against Genoa, but he was caught during it and became a prisoner of war. There he met a writer and the writer told him to write all about his travels to spread his information.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Scientific Revolution/Renaissance

    Europe had a rebirth in an interest in science, math, and arts.
  • 1415

    Portuguese Capture Fortress of Cueta

    Portuguese Capture Fortress of Cueta
    The Portuguese capture the Fortress of Cueta in 1415, which was one step closer to controlling the entire market of gold.
  • 1419

    Portugal Discovers Madeira Islands

    Portugal Discovers Madeira Islands
    This encouraged them to go farther south to find more.
  • 1427

    Portugal Discovers Azores Islands

    Portugal Discovers Azores Islands
    Since this was a success, it encouraged them to go in the same direction as to how they found these islands.
  • 1434

    Prince Henry's Ships Make a Successful Return

    Prince Henry's Ships Make a Successful Return
    Prince Henry's make a successful voyage back to Portugal, and this encouraged them to venture farther south.
  • 1469

    Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella

    Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella
    Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella married each other, which unified Catholic Spain which led to creating a nation that competed for global power.
  • 1485

    Columbus Presents His Plan

    Columbus Presents His Plan
    Christopher Columbus presented his plan to the king of Portugal. He wanted to go to the Spice Islands but he was rejected.
  • 1488

    Dias Makes it to the Tip of Africa

    Dias Makes it to the Tip of Africa
    Bartolomeu Dias made it to the tip of Africa, leading him to the eastern coast of South Africa.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Lands on Hispaniola

    Columbus Lands on Hispaniola
    Columbus "discovered" an island he named Hispaniola, which is known today as the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
  • 1498

    Dias Made Portugal the Richest Country in Europe

    Dias Made Portugal the Richest Country in Europe
    Bartolomeu Dias achieved King Joâo's dream, which was making Portugal the richest country in Europe.
  • Thomas Hobbes' "The Leviathan"

    Thomas Hobbes' "The Leviathan"
    In 1641, Thomas Hobbes writes "The Leviathan" which shares his ideas and thoughts.
  • John Locke's "The Second Treatise on Government"

    John Locke's "The Second Treatise on Government"
    In 1690, John Locke wrote this to share his ideas and thoughts.
  • Declaration of Independence Created

    Declaration of Independence Created
    The Declaration of Independence was created to show the British Crown why they were separating.
  • France Forced to Pay Taxes

    France Forced to Pay Taxes
    The French were forced to pay back the money to the king from the money lost in the war.
  • Rebellion Against Plantation Owners

    Rebellion Against Plantation Owners
    Led by Toussaint L'Overture, the slaves rebelled against their slave owners.
  • Slaves Control

    Slaves Control
    By 1792, the slaves had already controlled a third of the island.
  • French Order Saint Domingue to Free Slaves

    French Order Saint Domingue to Free Slaves
    In 1794, the French government ordered the whites of Saint Domingue to free their slaves.
  • Bolívar Moves

    Bolívar Moves
    After his parents passed, he moved to Spain and became a philosopher.
  • L'Overture Pushes Past Saint Domingue

    L'Overture Pushes Past Saint Domingue
    He starts to conquer Santo Domingo, abolishing slavery on the island.
  • Napoleon Invades Spain

    Napoleon Invades Spain
    The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain.
  • Mexicans Divided

    Mexicans Divided
    They were divided into people that accepted and rejected the new king.
  • Group Wins Independence for Venezuela

    Group Wins Independence for Venezuela
    A resistance group overthrew the administration and gained independence for Venezuela.
  • Grito de Dolores Starts

    Grito de Dolores Starts
    father Miguel Hidalgo rang the bell and told people to fight
  • San Martín Leaves Spanish Army

    San Martín Leaves Spanish Army
    He resigned from the Spanish army and returned to Argentina where he led a corps of soldiers.
  • Bolívar Makes Campaign

    Bolívar Makes Campaign
    He and his men invaded Venezuela, making the Admirable Campaign.
  • Letter From Jamaica

    Letter From Jamaica
    Bolívar writes this about the struggles with independence.
  • Capture of Lima

    Capture of Lima
    San Martín decides to go back to his original plan, the capture of Lima.
  • Economic Crisis

    Economic Crisis
    In 1819, an economic crisis occurred which led to many banks shutting down, therefore Moses Austin lost almost all of his money.
  • To Texas

    To Texas
    In 1820, Moses Austin and Stephen F. Austin traveled to East Texas.
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    Mexico Gains Independence
    They gained independence from Spain.
  • Gran Colombia Created

    Gran Colombia Created
    This new country was created by Bolívar and became Colombia, Venezuela, Panamá, and Ecuador.
  • Takes Capital of Peru

    Takes Capital of Peru
    He takes over the Capital of Peru and then makes it independent from Spain.
  • Two Leaders Meet

    Two Leaders Meet
    Bolivar and San Martin meet in Ecuador.
  • Imperial Colonization Law

    Imperial Colonization Law
    In 1823, the Imperial Colonization Law was accepted by the Mexican government.
  • Capital of Austin's Colony

    Capital of Austin's Colony
    San Felipe de Austin was the colony that became the capital of Austin's colony.
  • Bolivar Becomes Dictator

    Bolivar Becomes Dictator
    becomes dictator of Peru.
  • Colonists in 1825

    Colonists in 1825
    In 1825, there were 1,790 people living in Austin's colony. Out of all of those, about 400 of them were slaves/
  • Republic of Bolivia Created

    Republic of Bolivia Created
    It was created to honor Bolivar.
  • Republic of Fredonia

    Republic of Fredonia
    Benjamin Edwards started the Republic of Fredonia and declared it independent from Mexico.
  • Settlers Kept Coming

    Settlers Kept Coming
    By 1827, there had been about one hundred to two hundred settlers in Austin's colony.
  • Law of April 6, 1830

    Law of April 6, 1830
    On April 6, 1830, the Mexican government wrote a law to have more control over Texas.
  • Bolivar Passes

    Bolivar Passes
    He dies in Santa Marta, Columbia.
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions

    Turtle Bayou Resolutions
    The Texans wrote these statements to be able to still work with Mexico.
  • Period: to

    Conventions of 1832-1833

    in 1832, the Texans wanted independence, the April 6 law removed, and more. In 1833, the Texans wrote a constitution to request these changes.
  • Siege of San Antonio

    Siege of San Antonio
    Texans siege the Mexicans for 34 days.
  • Grass Fight

    Grass Fight
    Texans battled Mexican cavalry just to get grass to feed the horses.
  • Ben Milam's Call

    Ben Milam's Call
    Ben Milam said "Who will go with Ben Milam to San Antonio?" and 700 troops joined him.
  • A New Dictator

    A New Dictator
    Santa Anna declared himself dictator of Mexico.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The Texans won the Battle of Gonzales and kept the cannon.
  • Texas Revolution Begins

    Texas Revolution Begins
    The Texans and Mexicans fought, and it marked the beginning of the Texas Revolution.
  • Goliad Campaign

    Goliad Campaign
    Texan soldiers went to Goliad and got many resources from the Mexicans.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Mexican troops sieged the Texans at the Alamo for 13 days until they won.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    The Texans won the battle and it marked the end of the Texas revolution.
  • Goliad Massacre

    Goliad Massacre
    Mexico defeated the Texans at Goliad and killed everyone.
  • San Martin Passes

    San Martin Passes
    He fled to Europe until he died.